
I was so surprised in MGS2 when I learned you could do pullups to improve your grip gauge.

If you play through the hard time trials you will literally shout and cuss with glee if you manage to get one down in the time limit.

Some other animations I like -
-Agro will often wander off and go munch on some grass during down time
-Agro freaks out if you point an arrow at him. Pretty smart horse!
-Wander and Agro will stop short of taking fatal plunges, but you can take some pretty bad jumps. One time I went off a slightly too high ledge onto

Lookit all dat juice!

You might want to consider this in your reappraisal - Apparently the HD remake used the Japanese engine for Wander's grip and climbing, which was considered too hard for westerners and was toned down on the PS2 release. The result is the grip drains faster and Wander is slung about like a ragdoll with the slightest

Last Guardian 2020! Fingers crossed

Yeah if you take out the forbidden lands, SOTC is a puzzle game, which it in fact becomes once you unlock the time trials. The "meat" is figuring out the tricks to get on top of these guys and do some damage with minimal tools in the toolbelt. That "meat" certainly did not keep the game in the conversation for a

People born after Super Mario 64 are now old enough to vote. Cheers!

The collection has two of the best and most unique games of last generation. Ico is a little clunky (it came out near the beginning of the PS2 era) but Shadow still plays well. Infact modern games are still cribbing from it.

Tokyo Jungle is worth several dollars but can be had for less than one.

PS Plus megathread! Okay too late but here's some shop talk:

God intervened to save you from Deus IW. Praised be his name.

Yeah but it beats the manatees they've had working on the last few silent hill games. Also Dog ending is canon

Is it that much worse than the first one? I actually liked the first Gans movie.

Rather than a road trip, I felt FF13 was more like one of those movies where everyone runs around randomly and then bumps into each other and falls over

It's all intro

Grinds are for the young ens

Yeah agreed, they seem to run out of gas pretty quick on the design front. They often don't even have the three of you together, which seems a little odd.

How is Powers?

If you play Demons Souls you should know that you pretty much should be undead the entire time. The end game mechanics use your living to undead changes to shift the world tendencies (an invisible mechanic btw, so incredibly obtuse you literally have to hunker down and study this shit to understand it) which are