simmons is a shoe-in anyway
simmons is a shoe-in anyway
well boyhood will probably win and it's not either of those
Oscars nearly always snub the Cannes choices
Yeah it seems like an overly technical distinction these days, Transformers may as well qualify. Might as well just call it best children's film.
Sometimes in Guilty Gear I prefer to just double jump around and admire the background is this wrong?
Hey precocious ownership of DA:I buddy,
I also acquired DA:2 for cheap but have decided to finish it first before continuing DA:I, especially because varric and cassandra were right there in the opening.
So far the action is better than 1 in that knockdowns and stasis is a little easier, but I still see the occasional…
Hey man a dragon doesn't collect all that gold so he can spend it! Just get all your games and spread them on and around you on the couch and go to town on some more GTA.
Lord of Shadows is good! Its amazing looking but it's also a very straightforward God of War clone that gives you several abilities to play with and actually has better locomotion based puzzles. God of War platforming was always trash but getting around in Lord of Shadows is fun (except for those swamps…). Maybe you…
I've been playing LOTR Lego with the girl since the psn sale a few months back. She likes it but gets distracted by the Legos (she would prefer to actually have the sets). I am impressed with how much frivolity they injected. Throwing rocks at ringwraiths indeed.
Well I went right away and they died anyway so whatevs.
What do we love hate side quests so much? I've been playing Dragon Age 2 and I can't figure out what compels me to hunt down every goddamn waif who goes missing for 2 hours.
One of the first things I did in Red Dead was settle into a nice long game of holdem
Games never give you a very good timeline for things like that. You learn to assume you're four or five quests away because that's how long it takes to do even the simplest thing (three quest chain to bake new potions or whatever), but then suddenly you're on the quest where you just have to knock the gem off the…
Maybe some games ought to.
With you on ingredient gathering. If an already complex game has some fiddly system or ghost resource to manage I can pretty much guarantee I will not be touching it. I probably enjoyed the potion meta back in Oblivion when I had free time, but even then those systems tend to induce hoarding and grinding for a +20% of…
At least the Taxi missions build up to something in most GTAs and shadowed Crazy Taxi. In GTA V doing lots of Taxi pickups seems to literally be a waste of time, theres not even a timer or multiplier.
Yes, hail to the throne, Dark Souls 2 plays awesome and it is awesome. It constantly dumps you into oh shit territory and I was exploring new builds for almost the entire game.
I was flipping through the channels last night an caught Evangelion 1.1 and 2.0 on Adult Swim. They showed it starting at midnight til 5am, so everything was uncut. I never thought I would be seeing this show broadcast, what a wonderful world. I hadn't seen the reboot (and I understand this is like 4 years late) but…