
Continuing on with Dragon Crown. I briefly toyed with the idea of co-oping this with the girl, if only I could avoid quest givers and shops while playing and keep it just in the levels and only use the male characters. Well a couple levels in that idea was blown right out the ole ass, with nubile village girls needing

Rocksmith is awesome but it's hard to keep at it.

Dead space is awesome but it is claustrophobic and actively cruel to the player. When you manage to tear through a monster closet of flanking jerks, hotswitching between all four weapons to create a pile of limbs on the floor, well then it feels like you managed to punch the bully in the face.

Thats because in reality you should just die if you're outnumbered so badly. Metatron has to bring you back fifty times til you luck through the gauntlet

Revelations was terrible. Feature loss (went from open Rome to enclosed cities, no future segments) and bar-filling mechanics tuned to the max. But this is all forgivable since parkour and stabby stabby is still fun.

Cross has a great soundtrack. I'd add Xenogears in there because I like the variety. FF7 has three or four great songs.

Seriously. Watch a movie after 10 on a weeknight and you gotta keep a finger on the trigger. WHY IS EVERYONE WHISPERING

This is how I watch CW shows

World 8 is a garbage difficulty spike meant to quickly deplete your inventory and your patience. Still, probably a fitting final level for a game meant to be played over and over. The true test.

Beat Remember Me this week. It is really friggin slick in a way that reminds me of Dead Space, but it does almost nothing with its central conceit. Still, an enjoyable rollercoaster romp with some cool imagery. Overloading someones brain is appropriately brutal.

The only problem with the editor is they every single thing has a video. Compress some of this information and I might want to play around and figure things out for myself, but instead its mandatory class time

I am very surprised it got so cheap so quickly. Maybe the sale was trying to take a bite out of COD

Dark Souls II was surprisingly meaty, I've been on a break since my first run through

You just gotta assume someones about the punch you at all times and double x around

In Fallout, making a raider choose which of their children you will murder is considered Lawful Good as long as you pick up the kid's ear.

I think Redux redid 2033 in the Last Light engine, I didn't hear much about the games changing in the Redux but 2033 is probably a straight improvement because of that.

I wasn't digging XIII very much til it opened up, and then I platinumed it, so you should have some good times ahead.

You're really commited to the RTS thing!

But how do you get through the dicey sections without Matrix time engaged? The game was easier to beat on my older computer because of the inadvertent Max Payne ability pickup

Comic books are 92-98% hamfisted morality