
I’m all for the inalienable rights of the Constitution, but the free exercise of those rights ends when they infringe upon the inalienable rights of another.

To that end, refusal to vaccinate oneself or one’s offspring infringes upon all three of the majors—life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—because disease

Gentlemen, please, in the name of all that is good and decent PLEASE stop buttoning the bottom button of your suit jacket. You are killing the line.

As the father with a child with Autism, I want to be clear about something even though this article did not specifically mention it. Vaccines had nothing to do with it. While I am not a medical doctor, I do have a PhD in Computer Science and like to think I am somewhat intelligent. But guess what? I know when to stay

I almost feel like they should have made the romances exclusively same-gender just to see people flip out. Because then it’s a sexualization choice that’s not your own and it’s being “forced upon you.”

Just because *you* don’t see it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. That’s what privilege is. We’ve all got our blindspots. I take things like this as an opportunity to learn, not an opportunity to get offended at others being offended about something I don’t yet fully understand.

Or, you know, Ubisoft can stick to the original promise of having a character that can align with the player’s sexual orientation. Instead they sorta shoved some sort of conversion idealism down the player’s throat then called it “Growing Up” via a trophy. I’m a heterosexual male, and even I shake my head at that

Yeah, I remember listening to behind-the-scenes stuff as far back as the first Incredibles movie where they were talking about the challenges of things like cloth animation and Violet’s hair. Watching how they’ve iterated and improved on things over all the years and movies since has been really interesting.

Yup, I’m ALMOST done with a PhD in applied math.  I know one of the PhDs from our department had been hired by Pixar at least in part to help work on the cloth animation there.  It’s very complicated.  I believe he worked on the cloth animation in Brave.

I’m sure that’s entirely true, but teaching Mandarin isn’t the problem. It’s NOT teaching Cantonese as well that’s the problem. If the US school system suddenly started dropping all English classes in favor of more Spanish classes, or Canada stopped teaching French, how would people react?

But sometimes people are just assholes.

It’s kind of sad... someone is killed and people feel the need to make jokes about it.

I certainly won’t miss them.

I have nothing personal against any person, group or organization in charge of practices that promote or facilitate piracy. It’s not a personal thing, I’m sure they’re stand-up people to put their own time in to give something to somebody else.

That said, I’ve heard all sides of the debate

So...Teen Wolf.

And play basketball?

Can you surf on top of a white panel van?

If only Bethesda did this with Fallout 4. Buggy releases should not be an accept norm with any developer.

Fair enough. Even if you don’t like something, it doesn’t give you the full right to call them “shitty.”

What did a wise man once say?

It is a bit of a double standard. Anyone else releases a AAA game with all these bugs and their ass is roasted over an open fire. Bethesda does it? Out come the excuses. A buggy game is a buggy game regardless who made the damn thing. :|

Everyone losing their minds about Batman performance issues, but Bethesda gets a free pass ‘cause that’s the way they ship their games right? Double standards much?