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    Progressive tolerance doesn’t have to extend to intolerant points of view.  Allowing intolerance is implicit acceptance that said intolerance is an acceptable viewpoint, which it most certainly isn’t.

    Since when is soap and toothpaste to maintain general health and hygiene and bedding beyond a concrete floor and emergency blanket considered “all the amenities”?  Normal people treat their pets better than that, yet you guys think this is acceptable treatment of human beings...children even?

    In my experience, tourists aren’t the only ones that block the walking lane.  There are plenty of oblivious, self-absorbed locals that do that, as well, in every city i’ve ever lived in.

    The point still, largely, stands. If the artists are in crunch mode, that usually means the amount of content they’re being asked to make surpasses their ability to create the content in a reasonable amount of time, so they get stuck in a cycle where they churn stuff out at a rapid clip to try and meet the deadline.

    Maybe it’s just the way this is written, but it sounds like you went in there looking to hate this...

    I guess the Lakers had moved to LA already. Long before my time in any case.  Just remember reading that GS had played ‘home’ games in both SoCal and NorCal.

    For a while, they DID represent the entire state of California.

    Maybe i missed it, but what is this Bill’s definition of “loot box”, exactly? As gamers, we generally have a rough consensus on what we consider “loot boxes” in this context, but what is this bill intended to cover and what could it possibly impact, inadvertently? “Loot box”, by itself, is a fairly vague term, even

    Great, more excuse for Texas’s already shitty drivers to continue to be shitty drivers. I’ve had more near accidents in less than a year in Texas than i’ve had the entire rest of my adult driving life. I thought it might just be me, but speaking with other transplants who’ve lived here for years from a bunch of

    I was asking EBB, and your post misses the point.

    And exactly how many muslims do you know, irl?  I’d be willing to bet that your social circle tends to look suspiciously like a carton of eggs...homogeneous.

    It’s so sad that people have to have courtesy explained to them.  It’s doubly sad to see people arguing against it, even after having courtesy explained to them.  What’s the world come to?

    Some do, some don’t.  For some people it’s a struggle that they’re willing to go through for their faith.  Choosing not to eat in front of people fasting is a kind, courteous gesture.  It’s sad that so many people around here feel the need to argue against it.

    It’s unbelievably sad that someone has to explain the concept of politeness and courtesy to people around here, and then have people argue with them as a result of it. Ninja’s trying to be courteous here and all you guys can do is try and dump on the people watching him while fasting? Seriously, what is wrong with you

    Yeah, the military are trained to do proper threat assessments whenever dealing with populations and are trained to only raise their weapons when there’s an immediate need to fire at an attacker to reduce instances of incident escalation...a necessity when dealing with a population that probably aren’t exactly

    It’s amazing how you can write so much in an attempt to counter my comments, yet somehow manage to continue to prove my original comment true.

    And there you are, proving to everyone that you have absolutely no idea what white privilege actually is...good job, there.

    The level of white privilege in this post is astounding. The fact that someone can actually write this, unironically, doubly so. You don’t even see how similar this post is to letters written by people to southern newspapers against the civil rights movement in the 50s and 60s, do you? Always framing an attempt to

    Given that the cosplayer was Lithuanian, there is the possibility that she was simply culturally ignorant of the offense she was causing, so in that respect Twitch may have overreacted, but the level of arrogance around here of people dictating what should or shouldn’t be offensive is ridiculous. It’s sad to see so

    Schools already control who has access to them for the health and safety of the students. This is simply an extension of that. You make it sound like they were banning people from walking down the street because they weren’t vaccinated.