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    The problem here is that your looking at the 1s and 0s that the developer released as the only part of the product with any merit, and completely missing the point, as a result.

    “To be fair however, you did say they don’t track it. Or at the very least you questioned it since your reply to my statement of “they know the machine which the winning ticket was printed from, so you can’t claim you bought it somewhere else” was “I dunno”. That is exactly saying that you don’t believe they track

    *slowclap* Way to choose the snide asshole route when replying.

    I dunno. I remember reading about some dude who, upon finding out he won a multi-state lottery, went to Arizona (i think) that was also a participant in said lottery, bought a cheap house, lived there for a bit to establish residency then claimed the prize winnings there because that state had more beneficial lottery

    It’s been years since the last true installment, he took time to write a side story following a secondary character rather than continue the trilogy, and now he’s going to be occupied with dealing with the film. Based on his updates, it just doesn’t seem like there’s a whole lot of forward momentum and a ton of other

    I’m kinda on the fence about this one. On the one hand, certain companies, like Amazon, could bring a ton of new jobs to an area which, in turn, could make the city’s economy boom. On the other hand, you have the example set by sports teams holding their city for ransom for public funds to build them new stadiums even

    ...and here you are, continuing to dig yourself into a hole.

    The fact that you don’t see what’s wrong with that statement is a sad, sad thing.

    ...said just about every sexual predator in the history of the world. “She showed her ankles, so she was simply asking for it”.

    Always gets me how these guys could develop this type of borderline sexual predator/rapist mindset and not get called out on it more. A lot of their justifications for their behavior is straight out of the convicted rapist handbook.

    *clap* way to be the stereotypical comment thread asshole.

    You guys are assuming that people are coming into this with zero knowledge and doing the research to inform themselves of all the ins and outs and ignoring the fact that many people come in with half the info and are ignorant of their ignorance.

    Still not buying this. Is the info readily available? Yes. Is the info “common knowledge”? No.

    Which is the opposite of ‘common knowledge’.

    Or you could simply remember from trips as child or were told by someone “in the know” that you don’t need a visa if your trip is short and figure that everything is kosher. Everyone around here is assuming that people are going into this with zero knowledge and doing all the homework to be informed, but completely

    Always, good advice. In my case, since i’d been travelling to these countries since i was a kid, I (admittedly, foolishly) figured I had the whole thing down and didn’t need to look too deeply into it since I’d traveled so much without incident. I’ve definitely been lucky I wasn’t bitten by the oversight.

    Not saying ignorance IS an excuse, but still not buying the “common knowledge” assertion that people around here use to feel superior. I agree, people need to know the rules and they may have even read the 3-6 month requirements when getting their passports, but that doesn’t mean people frequently put two and two

    You’re making the common mistake of assuming that because YOU do it, everyone else must do it, too.

    No. People look at their departure date, their return date, and their passport expiration and assume that if those all line up, they’re good to go. Few people would think that a 2 week trip would be interrupted by a passport that expires a month after that trip was over and done with unless they knew about the ins and

    Where Delta failed is when they allowed him to continue booking the flight knowing that his current passport would be invalid without any sort of warning that the current passport wouldn’t allow him to board.