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    Always, good advice. In my case, since i’d been travelling to these countries since i was a kid, I (admittedly, foolishly) figured I had the whole thing down and didn’t need to look too deeply into it since I’d traveled so much without incident. I’ve definitely been lucky I wasn’t bitten by the oversight.

    Not saying ignorance IS an excuse, but still not buying the “common knowledge” assertion that people around here use to feel superior. I agree, people need to know the rules and they may have even read the 3-6 month requirements when getting their passports, but that doesn’t mean people frequently put two and two

    You’re making the common mistake of assuming that because YOU do it, everyone else must do it, too.

    No. People look at their departure date, their return date, and their passport expiration and assume that if those all line up, they’re good to go. Few people would think that a 2 week trip would be interrupted by a passport that expires a month after that trip was over and done with unless they knew about the ins and

    Where Delta failed is when they allowed him to continue booking the flight knowing that his current passport would be invalid without any sort of warning that the current passport wouldn’t allow him to board.

    Your phrasing is weird. Europe is one of the few places that allow that 90 day visa waiver, and most people don’t really take note of that when they book their flight. The only things they look at are their departure date, their return date and their passport expiration. If all of those line up, most people would

    Which, for this specific situation, would probably mean the vast majority of travelers, so calling this rule “common knowledge” is a stretch. I can’t even count the number of times i’ve seen people hold up the security line trying to bring in items that most frequent travelers would consider “common knowledge”....the

    You’re misunderstanding the problem. The confusion here lies in that having a passport that is valid until the return date listed in your itinerary isn’t enough...you need a passport that remains valid for another 3 months after that date to be allowed entry, which essentially means, as far as the airlines are

    My travel must have never coincided with my passport’s expiration and the airlines haven’t really gone out of their way to mention the three month buffer period necessary for European travel unless your passport fails the test, which is why i question the assertion that this is “common knowledge”...most people simply

    Define “common knowledge”...I’ve traveled quite a bit between the US and Europe since i was a kid and didn’t even know this rule existed until recently, and only because of stories like this.

    “Also, you’re blatantly ignoring the fact that a reasonable person can reasonably believe that the police are not going to murder everyone they come in contact with. Calling the police is not an “inherently dangerous act,” even if it’s a lie.”
    Context. The all made to the police was meant to portray a high risk

    Pretty impressive.

    Can we stop validating the “accomplishments” of these “hacking” groups by identifying them by name? You guys just keep giving them what they want... Attention. Use a generic name replacement, instead, like “internet douchebaggery group A” or something. Call them out for what they are without giving them what they

    Love it when someone posts a meme that’s applies more to themselves than the person they’re replying to.

    Pretty much. All this will do is generate false data that either side will spin to their own ends.

    Not much of an opportunity considering there are plenty of other groups that crack games. It’s not like people are loyal to pirating groups...if a group that allows them to steal a game stops, they’ll simply get it from another group.

    Could everyone just stop giving this asshole the reaction he’s looking for and just flag his post as Harassment (since he’s harassing everyone who hasn’t played the game yet), and then just ignore him? Best thing to do for douches like this is to just ignore them and not give him the reaction that he’s getting off on.

    Pretty much. Whenever you see that shit, just flag it as harrassment and move on. Best thing to do for posters like that is to not give them the attention they crave.

    Just flag his shit as harrassment. Little dick’s probably getting off on pissing people off.

    Don’t feed his shit. Just flag his spoiler posts as harrassment and move on. Little dick just wants attention.