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    Completely missing the point. The fact that you think "what if" questions are uninteresting must mean you live a really mundane and joyless life...

    The fact that you're unable to appreciate the sheer awesomeness of the science of fantasy makes me pity you.......mainly because that stick must be pretty uncomfortable back there.

    Well there goes any sort of balance to the game. Once Squirrel Girl is in play, the game's pretty much over :/

    I'm a little late to the party. I just checked the itunes store and there IS currently a warning there, and it's pretty front-and-center. Was that added after the fact or are people just going by what that redditor says?

    ...except they ARE rewriting things. They've said this, repeatedly. The events of the other games NEVER happened as far as this Lara's concerned.

    In a prequel, you're asserting that the events you're familiar with from the previous games WILL happen. If this game was a prequel, then she'll eventually turn into the Lara in TR1-8 and experience all of the things that happened in those games.

    Honestly can't tell if you're trolling. Patricia's right. It's an outright reboot. The developers have said as much since...well, forever.

    This is fascinating stuff. I'm assuming the alters are self-aware enough to realize that they're alters...? How aware are they of the others? And you mentioned other alters coming into the picture. Is your gf still generating new ones? Having to keep track and deal with this stuff must be intense.

    To their point, i for one had to read your post several times to try and figure out what it was you were trying to say, and even then, i'm not entirely sure i translated it properly. Grammar is important with regards to the clear expression of ideas. Like you said, following grammar isn't important if the idea

    I'm kind of curious as to whether the uproar over this would be as loud if the blogosphere didn't fan the flames with their coverage. I mean, here you have Luke calling all this stuff "bad" right off the bat, even though some of these issues may not actually be issues to some people. Don't get me wrong, i'm totally

    You're thinking of in-studio sitcoms. Single camera shows usually need much more lead in time for editing, post production, and in this case, special effects.

    I totally get that. Just saying that if they'd taken it in the other direction and made it so she treated the wound like a normal person would in real life, people would have stopped playing right then and there, because that just wouldn't have been fun at all.

    I doubt you'd be complaining about Lara limping around if you'd actually played the game instead of just watching it. Having the character you play get debilitated so early in the game and not be able to move around would be absolutely terrible from a gameplay perspective.

    What does this have to do with anything?

    Confused. Are you saying we're more likely to see a Legacy of Kain game if Tomb Raider is a success, or if it bombs? If it bombs, I'm wondering if Crystal Dynamics will even be around any more, considering how expensive this game must have been and what we've seen at other studios lately.

    I saw that poster and the first thing that came to mind was the Kool-aid man...with an evil wig and monocle.

    People put way too much info about their real selves out there as is, what with Facebook, twitter, instagram, etc. and look at some of the trouble it's gotten some of them into due to their oversharing. I've been mulling just getting rid of my Facebook altogether because it's emboldened people to start prying into

    So you have skin that looks like ground beef? Ew.

    What GenericScreenName said. It was one guy (who happened to be the producer of the game) saying something idiotic in a single interview and it got blown WAY out of proportion, only to have it get even worse when CD tried to back pedal. It was never really part of their marketing. It's amusing how you never saw

    Which is probably why all the reviewers seem to be stressing the fact that you CAN explore and all that good stuff. They saw the same promotional stuff we all have and probably went into the review with the same impression, and if they're coming out of the review raving...well, there might be something there.