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    I thought it was pronounced Lynn-X?!

    "Also, why would the "bug" that records sms text messages record them in an encrypted format? That almost seems like they did that purposefully. Can't the company decode their own software also?"

    The story, as usual, is a bit of a paraphrase of the source. It never said it wasn't the Carrier IQ agent, only that it was compiled with debugging enabled by the manufacturer. It also specifically said Carrier IQ is working to avoid this in the future, which implies it's related. It's certainly couched in marketing

    From reading the source site, they basically setup a repeatable scenario, and film it over and over, so they slowly capture the entire sequence, 1.71 picoseconds at a time and one scan line at a time. This can't be used to capture a one time event. You have to be able to exactly repeat it, including the light pulse

    Fukushima should not be referenced in the title. The linked map is from a different Prefecture. Onagawa, Miyagi Prefecture is over 100 miles from Fukushima.

    I always found Seesmic to be the best Twitter app on Android.

    Actually, if it were really a bat that would be the front. Bats wings sweep forward. :)

    Finally, a little sanity regarding this Carrier IQ scare. The fact is, Carrier IQ so far hasn't been proven to be any more dangerous than a random app you download from the store and give a similar set of permissions. I still haven't seen a packet capture of it sending data anywhere. The only proof so far is someone

    Interesting, my local Home Depot is in there too. They must have already had layout data ready to give to Google.

    As I said, easier and less complex. Certainly you could riddle your code with conditionals, or, as I said, make it a lot simpler and encourage impulse purchasing all in one go.

    Try SwiftKey. You get a comma button, double-tap space for period, swipe to erase last word, a voice input button, smilies, special characters, arrow keys, multiple languages, etc. all readily accessible, plus it usually knows what you are going to type before you do. :)

    The alternative is you use the same number of trucks to transport the waste to a landfill. At least with the plant you are significantly reducing the volume and toxicity of the solid waste while also recovering metal and generating power. That has to be better environmentally that just dumping it and letting future

    Having developed software myself, I always assumed they required payment information because it's easier and less complex then creating a web store that selectively allows certain songs to be downloaded while blocking others. It's much easier to require payment as an entry requirement to the store. After that, all

    It does seem like it would be easier to build large forms inside the city, and pump water into them in layers to create blocks larger than it would be possible to transport. On the other hand, the method described of drilling holes and letting water well up to form a new layer is low energy. However, cutting them up

    The huge ten by five mile complex is the Lop Nur potash mine. They evaporate brine:

    Those look like Mima Mounds, which given that they are all in a water drainage area, is highly likely. Vehicles have driven through the area which makes it appear that trucks have dumped the material there, but that's probably not the case. Nature is sometimes far more interesting than conspiracies.

    "Specifically; this sends a very clear message that regardless of where you live, you should not use twitter for anything other than publicly broadcast information."

    Whoa, hold on a second! First, I'd like to see the reference to this having regenerative braking, other than the source blog. Nothing about that on the product site.

    Ok, that has to be fake, or someone was really, really stupid and put a lot of people in danger. There is no way that truck should have been operated. If the tires blew or the frame crumpled while the ladder was in operation it could have flipped the ladder.

    To all the comments regarding contamination, etc., etc.