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    The app sends a regular text message. It just reads it back to you as the sender so you can verify, without having to look at the screen, that it got it right. You don't need to have this app on both ends. The recipient gets a text like normal. When the app is running, it also reads incoming texts out loud, so you

    Getting things out one at a time was my thought too. I use tiny bowls with the already measured ingredients in them. To put them in a muffin tin would require the paper cups. At that point, why use the muffin tin? Just put the cups on a sheet pan or plate, or... use a bunch of tiny, washable bowls instead of paper

    The natural language interaction is quite impressive, including the context based queries like "What about in San Francisco", but the sound feedback slow voice replies got annoying really quickly. I hope you can turn those off.

    Every USB device has a split in the metal piece. That's always the "bottom/away" side and it how I've been doing it for years. Most people, especially at work, don't like it when you paint their flash drives and cables. :)

    "Yep, gravity! Of which there is none in space."

    I wouldn't worry yet, the update hasn't hit my Android Market version either.

    "So apparently defunct satellites blithely falling from the sky is a thing now."

    Just like the Nook Color, this isn't only a "skinned up Android", it's a complete custom version missing many of the common features. It'll probably eventually be rooted, but when it is, you'll lose all the fancy Amazon stuff.

    Interesting that you'd leave out the Nook Color, which this essentially is. B&N release pretty much this exact device 2 years ago at a very similar price point. Why the heck is everyone getting so worked up about Amazon releasing their version of it after so long? So far I haven't heard anything about whether this is

    As opposed to the following fine, upstanding and morally-high-horse-superior products this site has actively endorsed for our previous president? One of which, I'll point out, contains a disgusting and demeaning caricature with the quote: "Hopefully, visitors will be allowed to relieve themselves in it. Let's be

    Could it possibly just be that Blackberry users are more likely to be friends with other Blackberry users (thanks BBM), and Blackberry users are more likely to blindly resend messages that they receive? I think the demographics of the sender and the receiving audience are both *critical* to this score, and they are

    It looks remarkably like it could be caused by heavier, darker colored sand that's deposited in sandstorms while the lighter color, lighter weight sand blows past. This would especially seem more reasonable given they didn't detect any water with the spectrometer! Later sandstorms of different composition could cover

    I thought the same thing, and found out through a higher resolution photo! It's.... oh, just paper, pens and some envelopes. :) There's a weird blue tint either from a screen behind the photo, from the flash, or maybe even the window coating. You can see the highlight on the chairs as well. It made that stuff look