Apparently so but being thoroughly disgusted with yourself has to take up some time.
Apparently so but being thoroughly disgusted with yourself has to take up some time.
And if you believe in a multiverse somewhere he is, that’s going to be my go to it could be worse thought for the rest of the day.
I saw historical reenactment Viking people in the park last weekend I’m considering getting some training in, pretty sure I could work a Helms deep approach.
If these people were in anyway actually fiscal conservatives I’d have at least a bit of time for them. These people are just loons.
I’m curious about the number of these interchangeable nitwits who actually think they’re in with a chance? Surely it has to be a jobs for the boys, doing it for laugh thing? I think I’d actually rather believe it was a providing jobs for my idiot in laws thing.
Do you know I was having a conversation today about life being a lot easier if the assholes came equipped with flashing lights for easy identification purposes and it would. It would also be easier if the assholes woke up and decided not to yes I consider one about as likely as the other which is depressing.
Absolutely! Yes there are systemic areas in lots of fields but it really shouldn’t be used as an excuse to say oh well, roll your eyes and not do a damn thing about it, you’ve got to start somewhere.
You know how you get those crazy people who want to marry killers in jail? ;)
You clearly have an excellent brother, congratulations!
Generally I’m strongly opposed to serial killers I’d like to be clear on that point, when it comes to Jessica Fletcher...
Neither would I. Even if the implosion was less than fun it was great at the time and now I can roll my eyes at my stupid twenty something self which makes a nice change from cringing at all the new ways I’ve found to screw up.
You are a good and noble rugby supporter :) Yeah it’s a fair point that was pretty much the most spectacular self immolation I think I’ve ever seen from a Rugby team. I’m Welsh if the English Rugby team has me feeling sorry for them something has gone pretty stunningly wrong in short no cookies for Lancaster.
Okay? I’m not sure I know what point you’re making?
Okay at this point the lunatic potential nominees are kind of blending into an amorphous b movie monster blob for me but yes this guy is clearly a misogynist mouth breather. That being said if people in the student age group turned out to vote consistently in large numbers politicians would probably at least pretend…
I honestly don’t understand being that is ‘threatened’ the right word? by another persons existence that you’d do something like this. Is it weird that I’d almost rather it was a screwed up robbery? That poor woman and everyone who cared about her I’m sorry this is the world we live in.
I would argue that commercial success isn’t the only marker worth noting but from that point of view yes absolutely people tend to like identifiable formulae.
Sorry didn’t mean to sound like I was interrogating you! that’s just so bizzare.
The thing in the queue ahead of it, I hope it’s the actual real Bible as dictated by God that’s all I’m saying ;) That is such a good film! Yep I think I’m joining the credit to the actors club as well.
I’ve never made up my mind whether a camel or a donkey laughs in a more withering manner but they can both put you in your place.