I probably forgot to pull that m*****f***er down when I got in the car. Having had dat Rona back in June, pulling it down ain’t at the top of my to do list.
I probably forgot to pull that m*****f***er down when I got in the car. Having had dat Rona back in June, pulling it down ain’t at the top of my to do list.
If I put the mask on for the first stop of my errands, and the next one isn’t too far, I leave it on just so I’m not putting it on and taking it off -- something a friend who’s a nurse advised to avoid contamination or spreading germs around. It looks dumb, but I’m ok with it.
Meh, as long as they wear them when they’re around other people, I don’t really care if they wear them in the car as well. Not doing any good, but also not doing any harm.
I’m a Black woman who started menopause in her early thirties (due to chemo) and I want to share my experiences (you can totes trust me!):
Well if Gaetz s claiming to be “father” to a minority “child” , why the fuck is he not upset also about minorities being killed by police?
If Ali Junior is right, Ali Senior would be wrong were he alive.
If Ali Junior is wrong, Ali Senior would be right were he alive.
I watched this and first I was like HAHAHAHHAHA damn girl get out of your eggamuffin feelings before you hurt yourself....
Maybe it’s just me but if she’s this fragile then being a cop is probably the wrong career. Girl, start making crafts and selling them on Etse.
Cops kneeling doesn’t mean shit. Buffalo police officers were kneeling with protesters and the very next day shoved 75-year-old Martin Gugino to the ground and walked past him as he bled from his ears.
Cops murder someone in cold blood: union will fight to make sure they don’t lose their wages for even a day.
shaka, when the walls fell.
The elder son of Mogh would have no patience for Ben Carson’s bullshit
Worf would never
“McEnany stood behind Trump holding up two binders to represent the work the Trump administration had supposedly done, but no one has seen said binders to see if they were filled with Trump’s stick-figure artwork.”
I mean I know with her father as her main male example Ivanka kinda started out behind the eight ball but Jesus she couldn’t do any better? So Hunter Biden with a law degree isn’t qualified to sit on a board but this dumb fuck needs to be in charge of a pandemic? For real?
Uh Barack told you what to do in 2016 and you fake ass progressives ignored him. It is not Barack’s job or The Clinton’s job to do anything. Oh maybe you should take you head out of your ass and see what The Clinton Foundation and Obama Foundation have been doing during this time. Hint it is more than your ass is…
You answered your own question yourself when you quoted “Straight Black Men Are the White People of Black People”. You don’t understand how misogyny works in the black community.
I smoke cigarettes (yeah yeah, I know). Not being a heavy smoker, I’ll clip them instead to save for later because to do otherwise is basically like tossing out half the pack. One thing I hate about saving half smoked cigs is the fact that to me, they smell like weed. For that reason I’ll put the box in my purse…