
A bit of my faith has been restore today, this is type of the soul searching that I was hoping came out of this whole mess. I want video gaming to be the wide, diverse and compelling medium that I know it can be but there is a lot of work that it needs to get there. Everyone should have a voice but there needs to

You maybe its good he wants to leave and do mobile games. Cause nothing is worst than having someone especially in a creative position who does not want the to be there. This just reads to me more like "Waa" What hurt Square and other Japanese Developers is that they started trying to Western AAA Games. When I

Kojima strikes again, and 15 years ahead his time. This was creepy then, and its even creepier now.

Of course that's abhorrent behaviour. But frankly, I'm just incredulous to the fact that this is such a mystery to you all. I also believe that the reason this has all exploded within the last two weeks is because unlike in politics, where depending on your point of view, you can go to the NYT or the WSJ, the gaming

"These obtuse shitslingers, these wailing hyper-consumers, these childish internet-arguers — they are not my audience. They don't have to be yours. There is no 'side' to be on, there is no 'debate' to be had." <<<<< You know, even if you are angry, and that anger very understandable. Stooping doing to the level of

People who make that complaint do not play Monster Hunter and if they did they would faint. Why they ask? and I say, Why the fuck not?"

Nah this is a win-win for Square Enix, the get a fuck ton of money, the for time exclusive and the what ever bad PR they do get will blow over, with a KH 3 and FF 15 announcement. Meanwhile for MS they paid for money for a Franchise that does not move hardware and that is what MS they need to move hard. Hell, If was

As soon as I read the announcement I laughed because there is no way this not a time exclusivity deal. Honestly, I can't even be mad a Square Enix for taking(Robbing) Microsoft of their money. Like this whole thing screams of desperation on MS front. Then you have all the bad press and internet outrage when in a

Not long at all this is almost laughable at best.

PSN Store ... $9.99. have fun

Oh you know not being like every other Fantasy universe out there where Orcs are just mindless brutes. Yeah, jumped the shark total... "Na we are going tell this story like this." The Orcs, Trolls having their own culture and not being dumb "stock" Red shirt armies for the "Hero's" to kill is what makes the Warcraft

THE HORROR, GAMERS actually having fun in the game. Laughing and having a good time instead of call each what ceaseless stream of expletives they can think of.

^ I agree they are cream of the crop and I would throw 00 in there is well. For, it went back the roots of what Tomino was aiming for with 0079 which was a criticism of Japan's stance during WW 2. 00 however was a criticism of both the U.S and Japanese political stances post 9/11. 00 is a great series and its

And interesting article, and the discussion thread full of people who have no idea what they are talking. How am I not shocked.

*rubs temples * Okay, Okay. Firstly, this video is all over the place. She is trying to make two to three arguments at that the same time. This not only makes the video longer than it needs to be, it hurts her over all point. Her first argument about the NPC's being made as static characters to fill the game world

^ this

^ all of this.

Kinda sums my whole reaction to the trailer like... I'm not mad, but I'm not hyped.

Japanese film/animation and American film/Animation have always mirrored and adapt from each other especially after WW II and in some cases they do out right remakes. And if you really want to get deep in the cultural aspects, look at Mobil Suit Gundam vs G.I JOE, while those shows almost nothing in common, they

Really, people are buying Naughty Dog line that was just feed us . Read that statement, read the tone of statement, its cold and straight to the point. Look at the other departures from big time studios and developers this year. Ken Levine is a great example, He made his statement first stating that he was leaving