
Rest In Peace, MM. Rest In Peace.

Me too. I think it was a British company. As I remember, I bought two trays (one for a friend) and shipped it here, all for under $47.

Such a letdown. I've been watching the deal sites for a 1021 for a while, nothing came close to 299 until today! (sigh).

I live in Charlottesville, and I've seen this thing around. It rules. Looks awesome, and sounds awesome.

I've used both the Grado's and the Sennheisers and I can confirm that they are both awesome.

I've never used a Nexus S, but the advantage people keep referring to with Siri is that it responds to "natural language" queries like "Do I need a jacket tomorrow", or "What does my schedule look like next Friday".

Same experience here. I was actually shocked at how loud it got. Impressed, even.

I freakin' love that scene from Talladega.

I concur. I have a Hackintosh tower that geekbenches over the Mac Pro in almost every category. Cost me 900 bucks.

I bet this is part of a grander experiment on how to source the glass for the headquarters. They're talking about getting upwards of 50 ft. sections of radiused glass. Nobody in the world makes it...yet.

The store itself is downstairs (underground, really). The cube is just the entrance.

and R&D!

I'm sure there's some bias, but I'm not sure that explains the whole picture. I think it might have something to do with the fact that Apple releases one phone per year and many, many Android phones are released every year. The news is diluted with Android. It builds, and builds, and builds until you can't even

I've also been very curious about the iPhone users lost at AT&T vs. gained at Sprint and Verizon. No way AT&T releases that information though....

DC is not in Maryland. Maryland and Virginia both ceded the original 100 sq. miles, then Virginia got back it's share in 1846.

@crobson1985: Right, but the plane he shoots down is an F-5.

@Boomdiggity!: The "they're" references "molecules" not the 1,913-word protein. It's a little confusing because he used a comma then a hyphen instead of two of either.

@pj_rage: It's their 30,000th birthday.

@blueprint: Save their mobile site to your home screen from safari. I'll never use anything else. It's brilliant.

@Ravennl: *Shifts uncomfortably under tin-foil hat*