
Rent the movie Jesus Camp.

That movie is terrifying.

That'd be a brutal half-marathon. Lots of elevation change.

Either he's a sociopath or it's some severe internet tough-guy syndrome. They were probably just kids.

What's with everyone chopping onions in the office today? I'm trying to get some work done. Gosh!

Not exactly reputable sources there, Giz. Glad someone else noticed.

Well as long as he was traveling in the direction of traffic. Maybe his forward gears were broken!

Unfortunately the loudest voices in the US are never our best representatives.

Here I was, about to comment on GOAT_RODEO's comment, and you've gone and said everything I was going to. Thanks.

Turn the wheel towards the curb if you're facing downhill, away from the curb if you're facing uphill.

Function over form, guys. Function over form.

Exactly. Almost all science requires, more than anything else, time. Every year we underfund NASA, or any other program for that matter, is a year of progress lost to the future generations.

I assumed that was your beef with the program because you asked how and why they get funding.

Progress is as typically as inconvenient as it is expensive, but it's also necessary. Sitting back on our asses and watching the technological revolution fly by us during this economic speed bump is a travesty.

I'll take a crack at this.

To be fair, they really should have formatted it like a quotation.

Is it just me, or would only braking on one front wheel make it turn?

Our public transportation is, generally, garbage. That and the rampant obesity.

That's why I try to avoid declarative statements on the internet altogether. It's a brave new world out there with a sleepless army of fact-checkers.

I had to scroll down a long way to find this.