Um, does anyone care about historical facts? Anyone at all?
Um, does anyone care about historical facts? Anyone at all?
...which caused Obama to inherit troops that Bush signed an agreement to pull out by a certain date.
And far too removed from the nuthouse, where he actually belongs.
Jesus Christ I can't do this anymore. He is far too close to the White House for me.
“A nearby surveillance camera shows multiple cars passing by the scene as Di Pietrantonio screamed for help. Monteleone notes that had someone stopped, her life might have been saved.”
Bet you she’s hot and he’s mad that he can’t date her.
But she literally got handcuffed for trying to talk over the judge.
The Democrats need to drop the Dangerous Donald angle and just alternate between using “Tantrum Trump,” “Touchy Trump,” and “Digitally-impaired Donald” until November. For a man who rose to power on the anti-politically-correct backlash, the guy could teach a class on oversensitivity.
horsehair mattress stuffed with molding copies of Hustler
ya just gotta love how John Dingell keeps Twitter burning Rafael Ted:
Okay, I actually did laugh out loud.
“...and my trunk is *over there*”
Look how perky they are. Totally had work done.
After the US heaved its collective sigh at 20 dead children, decided a little lead poisoning is alright, and decided people who aren’t white are chattel I decided to embrace apathy.
I’d never noticed what narrow shoulders and wide hips he has until this picture.
Just from the headline, I’m picturing Ted Cruz physically fighting off a bunch of giant dildos.
“learned about the incident and the video on Tuesday night”
are investigating a possible case of excessive force
FFS. Nothing clever. JUST FFS. What the ever-loving HELL.