
No, he's making fun of your poor writing abilities, you idiot. Yikes, get it together, Kevin!

Did your shrewd foresight and unmatched analytical prowess portend your future as a terrible writer for a "sports" blog?

They're not, by definition, but any reasonable person that has even a perfunctory knowledge of Goodell's background, and have heard him speak off the cuff (not in pre written press conferences) can deduce that he's not as dumb as, say, your typical angsty Deadspin blogger.

Gawker's distorted world view is insane. All of this must be crazy to you lily white, middle class, college educated, limp-wristed "thinkers." People, the world and the universe are harsh; and there's nothing any of you can write, say or do that will change it. I would feel sorry for you all, but your audience reach

If you think this is a "right-wing talking point," you need to get out more (by that I mean out of Gawker groupthink). More police "power" indicates more money will be allocated to state and local police (public employees), which expands government. Expansion of government is a core tenant of the democrat party and

Yeah, that's what I thought, you pussy.

The first and last sentence of this are objectively wrong due to the fact that FSU is ranked #3, not #1.

What Did RG3 Earn The Right To Say After Over A Decade of Greatness That Peyton Manning Hasn't?

Did you ever consider the possibility that there was no racial intent on the behalf of these minors your excoriating publicly?

Sure, these people are terrible and I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire (maybe the wife, to maintain my erection; and actually maybe the father, for the same reason), but what does them being white have to do with anything? You use "white" as a pejorative; is there a reason for this other than your own

No one thinks you're mean (except for the one or two weirdos challenging you physically), but rather sad. Well, I honestly feel a little bad for you because I don't think you're trolling. At least, I hope you're under 20 so you still have some time to develop some adult psychological security.

Oh, man, there it is; you really have some serious envy issues if you'd spend this much time validating your shit talk of a guy you saw from afar once whom was treated better than you by the people around you at the time because he does things better than you.

You're getting dangerously close to unwittingly revealing how much you were picked on as a teen/adult.

Not really; what i can surmise from that is that the "victims" in that video probably weren't definitively "victims" and something equally egregious preceded what was shown on said video. Or I could be completely wrong and just both parties are insane.

You write for a blog and not all that well. That is your life. Your opinion has the weight and gravity of that of a hamster.

At first, I was like, "oh no, that's terrible," then I remembered that she's not a "victim" as described in the woefully misleading headline, as nothing about this claim has yet been adjudicated nor proven (we, the general public, have NO evidence compared to what the attorneys circling this case do), making her an

Whoa, Tom, you're going full "palace guard" today! And they're not even paying you! That's commitment.

Oh, I get it; it's because he thinks something about life with which you disagree. Does it get tiring thinking of all the "good" comebacks you didn't say in person when you had the opportunity?

Whoa, bro, you're gonna fucking ACE your Intro to Sociology final this semester!

lol, third times a charm: