Cutest of Borg



Even better: give him a Kinja account. The community is full of humorless twats.

I assumed that he did change the name because you wouldn’t make fun of a real guy and use his real name.

This next is about as comic book guy complaints as possible, but I really hated them naming the episode Trinity. Don’t get me wrong, I get why they did, but it is such a specific term within the DCU that it always feels wrong when it is used to refer to something else with the natural religious context.

- How does Kryptonite “run out”?

“...the sketches weren’t bad.”

Killmonger was not that great a villain. People are drawn to him because he “had a point” but the comparisons to Magneto are a stretch.

Me usually bristle at commenters attacking articles as clickbait, but this one was pretty stupid. “Hey, you may not have noticed this thing in Avengers that we all directly saw happen on screen and was talked about in movie.” It like saying “you’ll never believe what biblical relic Indiana Jones was looking for in Raid

The thing of it is that Starlord’s actions are in character. This is the guy who got into a pissing contest with Rocket over who was the better pilot that ended up crashing their ship. He has demonstrated a very distinct lack of emotional maturity in the previous movies. Starlord isn’t a villain, he’s a flawed

I haven’t seen Handmaid’s Tale but was just googling pics and... is it a “low blow” to say that someone looks like someone else? Like, if the joke were “you look like Jabba the Hutt” I’d get it, but... Ann Dowd is also a person, and not an ugly one (to the extent that even matters here)! The whole point of the joke

The fact that Trump supporters are defending the decision to not attend this dinner basically proves that Trump supporters, like The President himself are cowards who are too scared of having their faux-masculinity shattered.

I don’t think “Aunt Lydia in The Handmaid’s Tale” is a dig at Huckabee-Sanders’ appearance so much as at her role as a willingly propping up a regressive administration through propaganda re-education? (Especially with the Pence line to follow-up.)

I will do shit for money. But I’m not gonna do shit for no money. I’ll do quality for no money.

DeVoe was thrown off because Barry was moping. Little did we know the most annoying thing about The Flash was his true hidden superpower.

I am not a writer in any sense of the word, I haven’t written any creative work since I was required in a college English class. That being said, if Zak Penn is writing crap like “And then they all walk towards the camera in slow motion because you have to have that,” in his bible for a billion dollar franchise, well

This was actually one of the better episodes of the season for me, because it was Supergirl-centric and not fractured into a bunch of awkwardly paced subplots. No big political statements, just good character-driven storytelling.

As much as I dislike Mon El, that suit works damn well on him. It’s tight in all the right places, it looks very cool and superhero-esque... did I mention it’s tight?

I remember watching him on The Surreal Life and realizing that the guy had real problems.

He wasn’t so much an active asshole but his personality was very prickly and sometimes unpleasant. He seemed to actively loathe the attention that he received while being aware that the attention was also how he made money. I

Ralph is about as dead as Jean Grey is.