Cutest of Borg

Any episode of anything that has Carl Lumbly as an alien from Mars singing Elvis songs can’t be too bad.

Oh, they definitely edited King of Kong in such a way as to make it a more compelling story. But, as usual, it can be two things: Mitchell does just also happen to be a totally villainous jerk.

Not only SNL but sketch comedy in general is best when it’s weird. I’ve been revisiting Monty Python lately and for my money, that’s sketch comedy at it’s finest. No political or topical humor, just people being very, very silly.

This is a less fear-inducing trailer.

Well, yeah, but ... Paige Davis.

I think the movie did explore the downside of governance based on who can beat up the king. None of the characters say it out loud, but their reaction to Killmonger’s accession is similar to how we all realized the electoral college was a horrible idea on November 8, 2016. Similarly, I thought we saw plenty of

Meteor Man, Undercover Brother, Pootie-Tang and the Wayans Bros films should be on an infinite loop somewhere thats free to view so all can bask in the glory..

-Why was he able to escape? Grodd should’ve been able to mind control him into freezing like he did with Esi.

Bathtub sequence, Minority Report.

“What up, you guys, this is Rabi Ray Rana, and you’re listening to Radio Free Kyrat!”

You should read up on the idea of memes. And I don’t mean the internet variety. Culture is something that largely exists outside of us and that no one really controls but everyone influences. And an idea or language tic or even false mass memory can start to repeat and morph and take on a life of its own outside of

I have social anxiety as well. I am fortunate in that I also have crippling FOMO, which is enough to sometimes override my social anxiety and force me to go out in the world.

That is a pretty intentionally bad faith reading of the proposal. 

How dare these kids presume that their right to not be shot is more important than my right to shoot at them?

I was there in the crowd, just by the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. I’ve never seen anything like it. There was easily over three-quarters of a million people there. And all of them listened to these amazing kids with respect.

Is that why Fetlife is still using the same archaic search functions it did when I signed up twelve years ago?

Bruce knows what he did

Gotta make space for snarky news posts (aka padded out rewrites of news site bullet points) of current Trump administration shenanigans. Seriously, ever since jumping into GMG, The AV Club turned into a dumpster for any sort of piece they can’t fit onto its sister sites for their appalling lack of depth. Oh, and

Also I kind of feel bad for Janet McTeer what with her natural face being used as “catastrophic burn victim reconstruction”