Cutest of Borg

Is this part of his 1000 hours of community service?

“What’s the worst thing we could do.” -WB

What others call balancing the scale other others call accepting toxic behavior as the norm.

Your word choice was fine.

The first song I recognized in the Twitter feed was Hash Pipe.

Now I want to see a Fantastic Four movie where they suddenly cut to them performing I Should Have Known Better in a train car.

This is a case of if you disagree with a law, get it changed, but as it stands the highlighted quote is factually incorrect. I propose another solution to the real problem of people intrusively photographing strangers for their own personal gain on social media: don’t elevate dicks.

I knew this would be here. Here is a reminder that movies represent a story but are not exactly what happened. Even with visual effects today you have to autocorrect what you see and hear in your head to hit verisimilitude.

What was most disappointing about TLJ was that it showed how there was barely a master plan behind the scenes for how the overall story goes. Great sequels expand on the original’s world by building on the setup. The characters from TFA to TLJ are like completely different people and not due to story reasons. For

But those weren’t invented until present-day Wakanda.

Jewel is a consistent B+ musician. A little more rewriting would take her lyrics to the next level but as it is they’re mostly good with some ‘eh?’ moments.

I saw the CW take on the Daredevil hallway fights in that amazing opening. I wish the powers were a little more spelled out since I took a few episodes off (the Infinity stones did a better job color coding each effect), but I was impressed by that sequence.

I noted that the trees around Wakanda remained because I’m a huge pedant.

That looks pretty cool but let’s put the “I’m fine” cliché to bed.

Get to the end for an amazing Twitter bot.

Paging Dr. Freud

“I mean, this looks like a generic science-is-bad horror movie. And why so much motorcycle action? I don’t thi—”

Batman Returns

Chorfed in amusement browsing the new ones. I haven’t had a positive emotional response to a comic strip since Calvin & Hobbes.

About time an Asian lady hosted.