Cutest of Borg

Building awareness and its spread are definitely factors in why issues hit a boiling point. You make a great point about linguistic memes, but the internet variety may be part of why younger people are rallying around this issue now and not 1999 or sooner.

I was a college student during Columbine. It wasn’t galvanizing because it seemed like a one-off freak occurrence. Now I work in a college and the situation is a lot more dire today.

Shh let him find out himself

I’ve always been disappointed by the young voter demographic, but I’m hopeful for future voter turnout. Teens didn’t have a broadly supportable cause before, but ‘not dying in a bloodbath where they have to spend seven hours a day’ seems to get their attention.

Heist movies seem to be the hot thing now.

I remember when someone made a searchable database of public FetLife data and caused an uproar among its users, who then called the database creepy.

The concept of this episode was great fun, but the story gets weird the more you examine it.

My brother and I were on the cusp of saying something when Cisco preempted us.

The rejection of “Soundwave” as a name because it’s already a Transformer caught me by surprise as an 80's kid.

Best/worst Marvel character costumes for the US Olympic team, go. I’ll start. Red Skull.

That poor car


Yeah that script didn’t look like Interlac to me, and I was prepared to see it.

Veronica Mars’ mom fell off that wagon hard.

I was hoping that Psi actually gives Imra her comic powers.

I’m calling that her lighting essence caught a ride on Kara upon corporeal death.

Luke Force-pulling a lightsaber in ESB was a what-the-hell moment too. Now it’s cliché.

They’re called turbo lasers

I’m calling this character change the Wussification of Scully. Who knows, maybe it’s even why Gillian Anderson doesn’t want to do another season.

Telepathy is just not exciting enough for TV I guess. I would’ve like to see Imra just shut down Reign with a look, though.