Cutest of Borg

When Ralph said it, there was enough time for me to quickly wonder if Cisco would reject on those grounds.

I maintain the both the absolute best and worst thing that The Flash ever did was cast Wentworth Miller as Captain Cold.

I still hope that they troll us and he defeats The Thinker without ever learning his plan because it’s too complex for us to ever understand.

Probably, with the difference being that now someone needs to call CPS.

#BringBackCommunityGrades. I would say B is fair

DeVoe is a jerk

A powerful and devastating story that deserved a much better writer than Maureen Dowd. I kept losing track at some points, I thought maybe it was just me. What a structural mess.

I’m looking forward to this bringing down Tarantino. Overrated hack

Came here to post this. And i did. With more disingenuous ire, i admit.

There’s the climactic moment when Superman turns back time by making the planet spin backwards

It wasn’t that far of a trip.

That’s... wow, not even close to an accurate comparison.

I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. Goofy fun, lots of snark, lampshade hanging, the works. My only real problem was that the gang was a bit harsh to Ralph in the beginning. Yea, I know they’re hurting over Barry, but it still seemed a bit much.

imagine that. No scenes with James - and the show miraculously has no screeching halt moments. Wonder why.

Still a better Suicide Squad.

I was seriously bummed by that death. Brit Morgan chewed the scenery with as much enthusiasm as Wentworth Miller does as Captain Cold.

Brainiac was way better than those dreadful promo photos suggested.

This episode was rock solid, juggling a ton of characters. I can’t, however, say that I’m on board with Lena and James. If anything, this is Lena’s worst plotline since she was introduced.

The work Benoist did as J’onn impersonating Kara is instantly one of my all-time favorite things on the show.

Woah. I’m not talking about that. I’m a queer trans person myself and really resented people positing that that identity was due to traumatic / abusive experiences. I just feel bad for her is all.

They let you reflect on the time before everything went to shit.