Cutest of Borg

Serious question Riperr, but is a Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security posted on the DHS website constitute good enough evidence for you?

>watches with glee while the Putin fucks democracy

He didn’t even have to crush or explode them. They were standing so close together he could have pushed the one on the end and toppled the whole row like dominoes. Those designs can’t stand up again. The troops could have even popped out of the hatches, dazed but alive, so it wouldn’t be like the Resistance won the

Why on earth would you watch episode 6, 7, and 8 in a row? The last movie in a trilogy followed by the first and middle entries in a follow-up trilogy? Of course it would feel cynical after a movie that wraps up a trilogy with an Ewok party and a movie that is primarily a nostalgia-fest. It wouldn’t make any sense to

They originally formed out of concern over ethics in Imperial journalism.

People are comparing Snoke’s lack of a backstory to Palpatine’s lack of a backstory. But they’re not the same. Palpatine was set up as an established part of that universe. He’s like Sauron, the big evil force that has been terrorizing the world.

Upvoted for spot-on reference of YM.

In the former, he writes a letter to his daughter Hailie, the subject of so many Marshall Mathers songs and controversies, basically offering up his own origin story. (“Makes me feel like I don’t belong or something, ooh / I think I might’ve just stumbled on something new,” serves as his spider bite or overdose

Whoever gets nominated by the Insane Clown Party.

Congratulations Alabama!

I’m guessing they’re not gonna go down the route of Jess having had a crush on Peter in HS.

“no one remembers a damn thing about it other than there were dinosaurs and people running from those dinosaurs, and that one of them was Bryce Dallas Howard in high heels. You may also recall some sort of scene where Chris Pratt leads a velociraptor motorcycle gang that you possibly hallucinated.”

Imra telling Kara that her example gave her life meaning & what an inexpressible honor it was to meet her was such a sincerely played scene that it really made the whole deal work I thought

What Imra and Mon-El haven’t revealed is that in the future, J’onn moves to Tamaran and starts his own cover band: X’hal and Oates.

My god, Imra’s voice is pure sultriness.

I found the Aer Lingus sketch deeply problematic. Terrible racist clichés about how backwards the Irish are.

The AV Club

I have also heard that his dad is a hypocrite that smokes 2 packs a day.

Hatchet job is what U2 is doing to their legacy by releasing this tripe. Trying in vain to stay relevant and failing miserably. Just pack it in, you’ve run aground creatively, it happens to most bands that try to stay around past their expiry date. we get it. Too bad they don’t

So what you’re saying is: you’re right about your subjective experience with an album, but the reviewer isn’t?