
Over since 300 and DKSA, Frank Miller has been pushing has style toward the boundary between “cartoonish” and “grotesque.” And it makes sense for the kind of story he wants to tell, where the characters stand for ideals but the ideals themselves are not admirable. He gives us a fallen version of classic superhero art,

The Cloudy films were a bit light on story but they had lots of zingers in the script!

that would make too much sense

IMO, this is also garbage. It’s not even fun anymore.

I still maintain my opinion that Arkham Origins is the best in the series. The WB Montreal team did a great job (with a few notable exceptions) on the story, and the combat had a few welcomed tweaks (altered timing). I also thought the game was more impressive visually than City and Asylum, but that could probably be

As a gay man in his 20’s, I’m extremely excited this exists, mainly to raise awareness about what it’s like to be a gay man around other men. That, and the men look nice.

I dislike people that dislike this movie.

That one does it for me as well. I had gotten sober that summer, had my own place, watched it on Halloween. I was 30 at the time and slept with the lights on that evening.