
“It makes no sense to object to this kind of anti-art by saying that it’s ugly or that it cuts against the classic appeal of the characters. That’s the point.”

As much as I love Fiona Staple’s work on this and Saga, I really wish they’d have an assistant artist doing some decent backgrounds. Flat colours for BG’s and super boring generic rooms always distract me.

A 50 year old time capsule is pretty dumb.

Getting a little worked up about Super Mario?

I’m saying: “Please don’t compare ridiculous Mario levels to fields of study that actually benefit the human race.”

While this is very impressive from a technical stand point there is no way in hell I’d ever play this level, it simply doesn’t look fun. Neither are those “Don’t Press Anything” levels, which I wish weren’t as popular as they are.

Please don’t compare ridiculous Mario levels to fields of study that actually benefit the human race.

It boggles my mind that people want the same games “remastered” over and over again, how unimaginative can you get.

I smoke pot occasionally and the only time I had an adverse reaction was a few years ago when I went to a friend’s place to make dinner, I had a bit of a cold at the time and had taken a super mild cough suppressant. As we made dinner I also had a few beers, felt fine, then we smoked a bowl and started eating our