
They should have instead attempted to raise her to be the kind of person who values an education and gets into college on her own merit. Since they clearly did not do that, they should have let it go. And honestly sometimes even when you raise a kid well, they still don’t want college - not everything can be forced, no

And where is the anger at the scamming employees of the school that allowed this to happen? The real criminals. I go to USC and absolutely love my professors, classes, peers, campus and facilities, general environment... But the business side of things? They are one greedy ass conglomerate, let’s just say that.

Animals in zoos are honestly so fucking unhappy.

Agreed. Tequila and wine are the only alcoholic drinks I can do. Very rarely rum.

If you have any kind of ass other than flat or concave, don’t even bother. May as well wear a bandage across the top half of your cheeks.

So people shouldn’t be free with their own bodies just in case someone else feels bad? Every person has the right to display their body however they want, in whatever state of undress they want. If you don’t like it then don’t look. You can attempt to shame people into hiding their bodies away, but won’t ever actually

The way other cultures are used in this is horrifying. The way animals are used is repulsive. All around trash and a total disrespect for life. Pukeworthy.

Also it was trash.

Underage girls*

My knowledge on the subject of X is limited/I don’t have an aptitude for Y/etc.

He looks like a scrawny 40 year old truck driver these days

She’s already rich as fuck, I doubt she actually cares all that much. 

four half pills.. why didn’t you just take two pills...

This is the best one, I am dying!

Who tf bought this kid a plane ticket?! Did he fly as an unaccompanied minor? Where were the parents? So many questions...

Nor do Polanski and Woody Allen

There are plenty of Nazi camp survivors who manage to not be pedophile rapists, most of them actually. Don’t you DARE try to use that to justify his disgusting, despicable actions.

I almost feel like they do it all out of boredom of the utter blandness of their lives and themselves, more than any kind of sexual excitement lol. Lowest denominator drama seems to be the best they can do?

How fucking dare he say that to you, the fucking creep?! Grrrrrr