
Dogs (and other animals) are not toys for humans (of any socioeconomic status) to abuse to the point of hospitalization. The idea that this poor animal be patched up by a vet and then given back to the man to re-abuse, over and over and over is stomach-churning. There are solutions for this man that do not come at the

Yes, she was never served because she did not commit any crime. This was incredibly poorly reported by Jezebel, as you can see in the Update.

Simply making the obvious connection between your way of thinking and the way of thinking of many shitty people in power and their enablers/apologizers over the course of history. If that isn’t glaringly obvious, then there’s nothing more I can say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

They torture and slaughter them, so which part was incorrect exactly? And actually no, I didn’t compare dogs to enslaved people at all. I simply said the situation of saving someone from abuse can often be deemed “illegal.” Because that supports the abuser, the one in power, over the abused, the powerless. But I guess

For real, these “correct channels” are the same people who bungled the coronavirus responses to the point of causing hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths. These are the people who still can’t figure out that maybe they shouldn’t keep incarcerating, torturing, and murdering innocent black people. And this person

Animal control treats dogs about the same as cops treat black people. Disabled dogs (or in this case, dogs brutalized to the point of invalidity), even more so. She would have either been dumped back with the abuser to avoid any paperwork, or euthanized without a second thought. They. Do. Not. Give. A. Shit. About.

Your mother 100% did the right thing. We have already established that the government is corrupt. We’re gonna, what, wait for the same cops that slaughter innocent black people to help save a houseless dog? Bullshit. That creep would have taken the dog and disappeared and she would have died an agonizing, lonely

If my child was being brutalized, I would hope that there would be some good people around to defy the law and “swoop in” to do the RIGHT thing. Sometimes saving someone doesn’t gel well with the law. Helping an enslaved person escape was against the law at one point too. But by all means have fun with the mental

Actually the article (which clearly didn’t bother to get her side at all) is mistaken. She “didn’t show up” because she was never served. She didn’t ignore anything. But she has all the evidence and documentation ready and will be presenting it on the appointed day.

THIS. They acting like she’s a fucking tool instead of a living feeling being that was enduring unimaginable, torturous pain. There have to be solutions for this man that don’t come at the cost of an animal’s health, happiness, or wellbeing. Being unhoused does not entitle you to a living punching bag. I shudder to

Exactly! She's not a fucking potted plant. And unhoused people are not entitled to a living punching bag. The amount of pain this dog has endured is unimaginable. 

She is doing so. She was never served before, she didn’t just “not show up” as the article suggests. She didn’t steal the dog either. The people tried to get Haus to take the dog to the vet and said they would pay for it all. He refused, probably bc he didn’t want his sick abuses exposed, esp the traumas to her

Yes, seeing a horrifically abused dog with a prolapsed vagina, covered in lesions and feces, and wanting to save her is so Ivanka. Smh. I don’t have a drop of white in me but if I saw that dog, I would have done the same thing. I am so glad these people did too. I cannot even imagine the excrutiating, torturous,

Nah, peak white woman bullshit is feeling so much pity and white/elite guilt that you brand all unhoused people as saints instead of looking at them as unique individuals. This is not a good man. Period. Housed or unhoused. This dog has been horrifically mutilated. Period. She has been living an excrutiating nightmare

100%. Plus the fact that there are several accounts of him being given aid for the dog but using it for himself instead. He has turned down offers having the vet paid for, probably because he didn’t want his sick abuses exposed. Housed or unhoused, you abuse a pet, you lose it. Or are we going to start allowing

I am troubled that this man may ever be allowed near another animal again. Or children for that matter. Unhoused or housed, abuse is abuse. This man is abusive. These injuries don't "just happen" to a dog.

So unhoused people have special rights to physically and sexually abuse animals? Because you feel pity for them, this animal must live a torturous, miserable, excruciating existence? And yes, if you look at the pictures, this man was clearly raping this dog. Her GENITALS are horrifically DAMAGED. She has INTERNAL

So unhoused people have special rights to physically and sexually abuse animals? Because you feel pity for them, this animal must live a torturous, miserable, excruciating existence? And yes, if you look at the pictures, this man was clearly raping this dog. Her GENITALS are horrifically DAMAGED. She has INTERNAL

So fucking sad and sickening. I suspected as much. 

You love animals but think it's crazy that some people believe animals deserve a life free of unnecessary pain and suffering?