
You’d have to be dumb as rock and also living under a rock to not know about this well-documented phenomenon.

They are rapey fucking pigs. So horrendously violently repulsive.


Yeah, seriously what was that “put it aside, look how much money she makes how nice” bullshit. No I will not put it aside, and I certainly don’t give a fuck about this trash and her trashy money or what trash she does to make it. Pathetic.

This has to be one of the stupidest things I have ever read lmao.

Yes, European/white Jews appear white. Tired of people ignoring the existence of the MANY non-white Jews. Yes there are brown and black Jews too, gasp. In fact they were the first Jews, we originated in the Middle East.

Why? Dumb whites already have that covered no?

‘Enjoying’ non-white culture is not stealing, depending on what you mean by enjoying. If you enjoy respectfully, giving due credit and not inserting yourself into the center of shit as though that other culture owes you something or the world revolves around you, then you’re probably good. Buying directly from

No I think he was pretentiously trying to say that the million dollar mansion was messing up the beauty of the library, but still. Also I thought it was a homeless woman, but he refers to her as “he/him”.

But none of the charm or persuasiveness lol. He seems dumb as bricks and oddly needy. More like a cult lackey than leader imo.

Yeah, fuck the cigarettes, guns, and corn syrup. Down with the magazines. A few of them. At the checkout aisle.

No, because what CVS did was good whereas this is dumb.

Good lord you are dumb. And you do NOT represent the Jez crowd. Please. You are exactly the type of outdated sinker we are trying to leave behind.

Also will I ever not be grey -_-

How dare these kids want laws to protect them?! Who do they think they are!

And more than only being worried that “he makes her LOOK bad,” I would hope that she has an actual moral aversion to swastikas* and people wearing them? Blatantly? At her shitty party?

Yes. It’s not that hard. There’s literally a giant red swastika on his white shirt.

And that is where the term “salty” comes from.

“Inane public ramblings” might be a better term

You killed a dog because you didn’t know how to handle him? Are you fucking serious? What kind of deranged piece of shit are you? This OP is going to cut her sister out of her life, not, y’know KILL HER. How you even thought your selfish sociopathic homicidal tendencies are equivalent is beyond me. Living beings are