
I seriously don’t know how men get away with this. Mr. Also fell behind a couple of months on a simply staggering child support payment one year and the cops made quite clear that he was about to get his ass arrested if he didn’t pony up. We hear all the time from women whose partners are deadbeat and we are both

That’s not horrible. It’s very intelligent. I think you’re being perfectly reasonable. You’ll ruin that FICO score tout suite marrying someone with such bad credit and such financial drama. I was similarly long-engaged to Mr. Also because of similar troubles he was having; we got married after the bulk of them was

The Kardashians keep someone on payroll just to photoshop all their selfies, don’t they?

Unhappy people wear cat ears.

I think I’ve figured out the problem here.

Follow your bliss ;)

I was totally okay with that last story.

I am totally on board with your anger and your decisions. I don’t have anything clever to say except that I’m really proud of Jezebel for hosting this piece and glad to know that this cosmic asshole you had to deal with got the pushback he deserved. Or at least a bit of it.

Why else would they harp all the time about how they think LGBTQ people are “flaunting” themselves in public when all they’re really doing for the most part is exactly and precisely what straight couples and people do all the time in public?

“They shall know you by your childish, petulant temper-tantrums over shit that isn’t even vaguely your business, by your concerted attempts to seize control of your governments, and by your streams of disgustingly homophobic and sexist gaffes, as well as your constant rain of hypocritical failures.” It’s in there.

If someone’s religious expression and belief depends this much on oppressing, marginalizing, controlling, and discriminating against other people, then maybe that’s just a bad religion they’ve got there. It’s astonishing how hard some Christians are fighting against the idea of equality. It’s like they totally forgot

No, it’s Botox cry-face. She has no mouth (or any other facial muscles that she can meaningfully move), but she must scream.

Look how hard that poor dear is straining to make an expression through all the Botox in her face. That has to be difficult. She’s trying with all her might and all she’s getting is “weird grimace.”


Doesn’t he just look so adorably earnest in that photo? (The washed-up has-been onetime teen actor, not the imaginary animal.)

Can’t win for losing.

I already don’t go to beaches often anymore (combination of landlocked state of residence + husband who is unreasonably terrified of sharks), but hooray, I’ve now got another reason to dislike the experience.

So... like Fox News normally except out in the open?

Between E.L. James, that Twilight lady, and this shit, I officially renounce my former desire to write a Great American Novel and will be forthwith writing one about the unholy union of a banana god and a certain apologist who is bound to have nightmares after his encounter with it.