

That’s not true. Literally nobody within the critical 30-40CE time period mentions Jesus or anybody who even sounds like an inspiration for Jesus, or even anything that happened within the Gospels that is attributed to some goings-on around Jesus specifically.

No offense, but that’s complete bullshit. Absolute complete unequivocal bullshit. I’m astonished you could offer it up with such apparent sincerity. I can only assume that you are very young and heard that balderdash from some trusted adults, much like I did when I first entered college. It took me about one week in a

If Christianity actually had any way to test ideas against reality, theology and apologetics wouldn’t even exist. Instead, they’re huge billion-dollar industries within the religion. Thousands and thousands of hucksters and conjobs are busy plugging those potholes and promising RESULTS to those who plunk down all that

It’s not a reach at all. The verses are quite specific about the behavior being called out. And that’s exactly the behavior that Pratt is showing the world. Many Christian showboaters make a huge production of praying in the way Jesus specifically forbade. Pratt’s not “speaking about his faith;” he’s pushing it on

I had a similar realization about Adam Baldwin. I LOVED his character Jayne Cobb in Firefly/Serenity. But it didn’t occur to me that it wasn’t really much of a leap for him, acting-wise. If anything, Jayne was actually quite a lot better of a human being than his actor was. I was really upset for a bit when he turned

“Jews for Jesus?”

Part of me wonders if he’s greasing the wheels for his end-stage career. Kirk Cameron is a has-been wash-up in almost every single part of the entertainment industry—except one. He’ll always make money fleecing the sheep in the culture-war pastures.

It’s OK If You’re Christian.

What makes me laugh is that culture warriors long ago came up with a few different ways of hand-waving away that retort. My favorite rationalization is that some OT verses were just for that one time and area, while other OT verses are for ever and ever everywhere and applying to everyone. And the culture warriors

The culture wars were never about living biblically. They were never about Christianing as hard as possible. They weren’t even ever really about oppressing LGBT people or women or POC or poor people specifically. That’s why the people who engage in culture wars can’t just stop and go find something else to do, not

I’m not a gray (I don’t know what that is aside from a Kinja commenter who is not yet in the Cool Kids’ Club) but I’m an old white woman who has studied Christians’ “bathroom crusades” for years so maybe I count. I don’t know how much you know about this, so please forgive me if I travel some territory you know

A friend of mine calls that the crank margin. There’ll always be that percentage of wingnuts in America and it ranges from 20-40% of the population. Sounds about right. When Christianity finally reaches a bottom to its decline in this country, that’s probably about where it’ll land. That’s likely why all these MAGA

BTW: the sprightly music in the hangout pod (with the bonsai tree on the table) sounds like the music from the old anime movie Video Girl Ai. If so, that really adds a lot to the scenes for me at least.

Yeah, it took a few episodes for me to catch on to what it’s doing. I might not even have the full picture yet. But if this is Stone and Hill in a series of sketches set against a backdrop of dystopian product testing, I’m in and here for it.

I have no words for how dismayed I am with this update. My computer crashed last night--power outage--and when it came back up, Chrome looked almost unusable.

I got distinct Adam Sandler vibes off him, in the best way. This whole episode was golden. The 80s were a weird time. I personally knew a couple houses that had that wall-of-mirrors thing going on. Their set dressers were spot-on too. (I’m just not sure about the car chirping at them to put on seat belts. I think that

I leave vegans alone. They leave me alone. They know I love bacon. I know they’re grossed out by it. There is equilibrium. Have your cashew cheese. I won’t say a word about it.

Not really. It’s all awful people being awful at each other. The only one who’s coming out looking okay is Nicole’s ex-BF and that’s in the comments, not in the original post.

God, that poor guy. Much love to him as he continues to recover.