
Mad Men has more black characters than Girls. Just sayin.

"I became aware of it as I was editing." means I didn't think about minority characters until I got called out on it. My bad!

I just looked at videos of her acting on youtube and you are SO right. Oof.

You won't defend the casting of the show but you will defend the idiocy of a white-washed New York. Guess what? You just defended the casting of the show.

Agreed. Another New York City comedy with nary a minority in sight.

I barely have the energy or desire to shave my face on most mornings. Shave my legs? Too much effort!

I hear what you're saying, and it's stupid.

Michelle Malkin was also defended the U.S's use of internment camps. So basically she's an idiot.

The only instance I can think of was when Time Warner pulled Ice-T's Body Count album for the song 'Cop Killer.'

You're right, people have called out rappers for their misogyny for years. Has it made a difference?

He's sort of right on the money when it comes to a lot of the misogyny in rap lyrics. Maybe if Rush were to put his hate speech over some fat beats, there wouldn't be such an uproar.

Thanks for the link!

I need video! Dogs rule forever!!!!

I'm with you. I'm currently busting my hump working my way through grad school for my elementary ed masters degree. Why someone would throw all that hard work away confounds me. Heart goes out to that student and my middle finger to those three abusers.

The appeal of these 'Guy' chores to me has nothing to do with the number of women I work with. I like doing things with my hands because the chores tend to be repetitive in nature and it allows me to turn my brain off as I do them. It's really relaxing.

Thank you. That story line always bugged me. I mean, the brother's gotta die someday, right?

I'd love to read his next letter after this ordeal.

I agree that the terminology needs to change, but the reason there's a huge effort to prevent childhood obesity is do to the increasing rates of obesity among children. Promoting good nutrition and exercise addresses the larger problem (no pun intended) but it should be taught as a means to living a long, healthy

I've fallen prey to overeating horrible food. I chalk it up to not preparing my meals the day before therefore rushing out to work and stopping at McDonald's for my breakfast.

Rude and funny. Thanks!