
No joke, I think Merkel of Germany is now the leader of the free world. I don’t think we get to use that phrase with Trump, who seems to align with dictators, not the West, or our traditional political/economic allies.


Somalia. . .

Once again Republican obstructionism.

“Conflicts of interest? Trump says: ‘If it were up to some people, I would never, ever see my daughter Ivanka again.’”

The donation landing page also indicates that this isn’t about policy or feedback from the electorate: it’s just another fear-mongering money grab.

What really gets me is that despite the fact that he’s already been elected, he sent this survey out to just his supporters. He’s interested in serving the interests of his supporters, not the country in general. That fact in itself is unsurprising, but the fact that he doesn’t hesitate to express it so openly is

He’ll be the president for “All (white, male, Christian) Americans!”

Oh, ok. But I thought they weren’t allowed to coordinate with the candidate or something. This survey is being sent by Trump and then redirects to a donation page; is that allowed? Doesn’t that mean the two are communicating?

My god that survey. Not that I’m an expert but from a scientific/statistical POV, what a biased, leading, pile of shit. And that last question. Fuck Trump and his campaign so hard.

I’m pretty sure he wants wealthy Americans to have no ceiling on which they can deduct their nanny expenses for having someone else raise their child for them. I can’t think of a reason *cough*Barron*cough* for why it would be important to Trump for this tax welfare handout.

Haha I wondered the same. I reckon he has no idea people can do that already.

What the fuck is this about deducting daycare expenses from taxes? I already do that. What the fuck is he playing at.

Haha. Yeah, there were like 3 or 4 that I was like HIGHLY IMPORTANT. Just focus on those and ignore the rest.

I took this survey a few days ago. If he listens to me, he’ll be too busy trying to impose term limits on Congress to do anything else.

Yeah, she says stuff like that after non-white people call her out for the racist depictions of, say, Asians in her show.

Nope. She appeared in a one (two?) sketches during the election but it was an episode hosted by Miley Cyrus.

You can move here as long as you adapt to our culture. By the way, no one will give you a job, no one here trusts you, see those lovely neighborhoods with barely functioning infrastructure ? That’s where you have to live. And even though we’re a secular country, you can’t wear clothing that adheres to your religious

Seems to ignore the fact that most of these immigrants were from countries France colonized. If they didn’t want anything to do with the North African Muslim countries, then perhaps they shouldn’t have taken them over.