
I do think the fight back against Brexit or pushing for a soft Brexit is on. We represent 48% of the country and even more because so many regretted their vote for Brexit, we need to have our voices heard.

As RedViolet said, are you not familiar with groundwater contamination? And I expect a more intelligent answer than “what’s that got to do with this.”

Ever hear of groundwater contamination?

My mom is there right now, I’ll bet it’s CRAZY. I’ll update with stories when she checks in.

Everyone in my family is so happy to hear this. Our reservation stands with Standing Rock.

Yeah, who cares about those Native Americans and their water supply. Who needs clean water anyway? Just ask the residents of Flint...oh...

They’re already on site. In fact it’s a little too coincidental that this came down right after they arrived.

There is a strange obsession from some film directors to get “real” emotions from their actors on set. Ridley Scott did it with the chestburster scene in Alien, Kubrick with Shelley Duvall on the set of The Shining, and clearly Bertolucci did it with this film. Now those first two examples are far less egregious than

The thing that I find strange about this, is that his version of the story seems worse than hers. In her 2007 interview she said that he told her about it right before shooting, which suggests that she agreed to it, albeit without much time to consider it and in an inherently coercive situation. But in his version he

I didn’t want Maria to act her humiliation, her rage. I wanted Maria to feel, not to act, the rage and humiliation.

History kid: being Roman had nothing to do with being white actually. The Roman Empire encompassed lots of the Middle East and Northern Africa, so many Romans were black.

Considering that the historical Saint Nicholas was born in what is now Turkey...I’m going with actually probably fairly brown and somewhat Asian-looking. People really don’t know shit about their own religion, do they?

No, he was Turkish.

The actual, historical figure whom Santa Claus is based on, Saint Nicholas of Myra, was quite possibly what many would consider brown, not white. He was born in what is now Turkey, and depictions of him show him as fairly dark-skinned. He was most definitely NOT Western/Northern European-white, at least.

When you say, at the end of your post, that you haven’t told anyone all of this, do you mean that literally? I know you are living in new place and your support network has naturally shrunk. If just one of those things was happening in your life, I would understand why you’d be stressed, but you have multiple

one survivor to another so proud of you. for leaving, for protecting your children. you rock.

You moved away from home for a job. It was extremely stressful but it sounds like you did it for the benefit of your family. You arrive home during the most motherfucking magical and family oriented time of year only to find out he had an affair. With a 20 year old employee. And it’s not because he enjoys extorting a

OMG, your Mom sounds like the greatest!

No, “faith” is acceptance without evidence. “Believe” just means to accept something as true. You can require evidence before you decide to believe something, and you can base a belief on evidence.

From their website: Satan is symbolic of the Eternal Rebel in opposition to arbitrary authority, forever defending personal sovereignty even in the face of insurmountable odds. Satan is an icon for the unbowed will of the unsilenced inquirer… the heretic who questions sacred laws and rejects all tyrannical impositions.