
The issue here is standing. I have a feeling that he would be more than happy to challenge it before a member of his church gets denied the exemption, but he knows that it would be immediately thrown out because he wouldn’t have standing since he can’t file anything on behalf of a non-member. He *has* to wait for a

Yeah. But I didn’t read it as Joy Bryant (who is playing Eleanor Holmes Norton) encouraging another black woman to support a white women’s cause, but to support a cause that white women were a part of, and of course dominating in the racist social/cultural/political milieu of the late sixties/early seventies. She was

For the brief window they worked through The Guardian and Der Spiegel, with grown ups as gatekeepers, they were great.

So, worst case scenario, the AfD gets 20% nationwide and that is a big if, that leaves all other parties in German Bundestag at 80% (CDU/CSU, SPD, Die Grünen, Die Linke). The conservatives might take the biggest hit, they’d probably end at 30 to 35%, which would leave the other three at 45% to 50%. No other party is

I didn’t realize this was a distress call. I can see how it might make sense in some contexts (e.g., at sea?), but in the context of a normal old American home... If you’re in immediate danger and have enough time to flip your flag upside down on its pole, maybe that time is better spent getting away or alerting

And tirades like this are why liberals think conservatives hate what America should stand for. Because they do.

I was involved in a university PR fiasco that involved Fox News and a bunch of its personalities railing against us for being a bunch of un-American Pinko Commies and whatnot (I truly wish I would have recorded some of the best phone messages I received at the time before leaving that job, there were some doozies).

I love how these people love the constitution until they don’t like how it is employed.

Watters: Don’t you realize the whole country’s laughing at you right now?

She consented by signing a contract that gives the photographer the rights to the images. A written and mutually agreed upon contract is as close to a gold standard of consent as you can get.

This is a good point that I feel people are missing. It IS kind of logical that an African American man, hoping to get involved in politics and activism, would try out a few black led organization. The fact that he did so and quickly realized “oh whoops, this is NOT the kind of shit I want to promote or be associated

He actually did the absolutely correct thing someone should do in these situations. Admitted he was involved, that he thought their interests (fighting for racial equality) would be aligned, found out they weren’t and separated himself from them and disavowed them. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU SHOULD DO. Keith Ellison

That’s fair, Farrakhan is a bigot in multiple ways. But Ellison also has apologized and has a strong record of support for Israel and against anti-Semitism, as well as having an ally in a person deeply committed to Judaism and Israel, Chuck Schumer. Jewish Americans and Democrats can decide for themselves how they

I’ll try to explain this in very simple terms: that he actually had the balls to reflect, reassess his association and apologize demonstrates more maturity and leadership than almost any politician in the last century has. Farrakhan is a dickhead, but I’m willing to actually look at Ellis’s recent record vs. the

Still can’t watch the news, so I don’t know what’s going on here, but I just came to say that Rep. Ellison is beloved in MN. Even the people who hate his politics still respect the guy because of his absolute devotion to his district and his state. He has deeply held and very strong convictions, but he is not an

She signed a contract - so he is perfectly within his rights to further use those images for his commercial benefit - as she used them a few years ago to break through in the modeling world and eventually land more visible gigs as an actress.

A standard model release form will give the artist rights to the images to use in any format or publication in perpetuity...however, that doesn’t stop a model from countering with her own release form that limits use of the photos.

If it’s a true dad joke, then it’s “Hu’s there?”

This guy sounds like a horrible creep based on his comments, but it sounds like she already chose when and how to share her sexuality and her body. She chose to participate in a photo shoot and as part of that, signed away her rights to the pictures. She presumably knew she wouldn’t get to choose what shots were used,

Sadly, that’s why you have to double-check that model release form.