
10 + years? Ill treatment of Muslims goes back to French Colonial days. It took the French government 37 years to acknowledge that the Paris Massacre of 1961 even happened. French police shot protestors who were peacefully protesting a curfew applied to Muslims, and some of the protestors were thrown into the Seine

I live in France. The reason they target this country is because of the horrible treatment of Muslims. They are segregated into awful public housing. Because you have to put a photo on all job applications it’s easy to discriminate in employment against them. Some towns insist that school students eat pork once a week

It’s not blaming the countries. It’s trying to understand the conditions in which extremism grows so as to better be able to deal with a complex problem.

No one’s blaming the victims. Progressives are pointing out that it’s a vicious cycle that gets perpetuated over and over because we keep doing the same stupid shit. ISIS wants the West to crack down on Muslims because it feeds their ranks. If we are truly interested in stopping terrorism, we need to have an honest

I don’t think it’s blame, it’s pointing out the facts. Mistreatment leads to resentment. Terrorists can’t recruit people who are happy with their lot in life. It doesn’t mean you should give them everything they want. And it certainly doesn’t justify the backlash, but it’s crazy to think you can mistreat a group of

Jez hasn’t had any of those for years, if ever. They don’t even round-robin most pieces. Each writer is expected to proof and copy edit his/her own material.

It’s not an issue totally specific to France, but you’re not wrong. Belgium is the same. Remember after the French attacks (and the Belgian airport one right after) when every media outlet was like “Why are all these Muslim terrorists coming from this one neighborhood in Brussels?” but no one was asking “Why is the

Because France has a de facto Apartheid where white people live in one country and  French descendants and immigrants of their African former colonies (Algeria mostly). They live in projects apart from the rest, are not given the same job opportunities, have no political representation. A lot of the white French

That’s police use, hospitals cannot use them they way police do due to medical associations rulings & various state boards placing extremely narrow criteria on their use, and very sizeable fines for violating those standards.

I think it has to do with the fact that a lot of terrorists hitting France are home grown there. The majority of them aren’t immigrants or refugees or ISIS radicals who’ve somehow gotten into the country but rather second or even third generation French citizens.

France has over 5 million Muslims. France has, to put it lightly, a troubled relationship with its Muslim citizens (I think both sides bear some responsibility for that, but from a potential terrorists perspective, France has pretty much relegated Muslims to 2nd class citizens).

France has a very large Muslim population. ISIS targets France not only because France opposes ISIS, but because ISIS is trying to turn Muslims worldwide into believing that western culture doesn’t accept them (which is becoming increasingly true) so as to turn them to ISIS or any other form of radical Islam. Herr

France has a very large Muslim population. ISIS targets France not only because France opposes ISIS, but because ISIS is trying to turn Muslims worldwide into believing that western culture doesn’t accept them (which is becoming increasingly true) so as to turn them to ISIS or any other form of radical Islam. Herr

A lot of reasons, but the TL;DR reasons are a) French history of aggression in the Middle East in North Africa, and b) longstanding social and political marginalization of ethnic and religious minorities that makes those populations easy pickings for those who wish to radicalize them.

France is notoriously xenophobic, especially regarding Muslim immigrants. And don’t forget this is the place that banned women from covering their faces.

honestly? because it’s a country that treats immigrants terribly. ISIS depends on western nations treating Muslims bad, because that’s how they recruit. Most Muslims would never, but after 10+ years of being spat upon, suddenly ISIS begins to look good. So ISIS preys on nations that treat Muslims bad, in order to spur

I think it’s because how proudly secular France is and how it alienates Muslims which in return radicalizes some of the Muslims.

It’s semantics. My mom says she’s diabetic. My sister say’s she’s celiac. I personally have no problem saying I’m bipolar. As long as there is a conversation about it I’m not going to get picky about terminology.

I hope you get the care you need.

A black man insisting on his support for an unapologetic white supremacist does raise questions about mental faculty...