Hey, they’re just asking questions. Other questions to be asked:
Hey, they’re just asking questions. Other questions to be asked:
It’s amazing to me how quickly the “mainstream media” has normalized this shit. Not even two weeks after the election, and still months before he’s sworn in, and fucking CNN is already waffling on whether it’s really fair to expect the leader of the free world to alienate his base by confirming that he doesn’t think…
Clover’s not going for outrage. Not every Jez article is about being outraged. It’s about the mistake the magazine made and especially the well-handled apology from the model. Seems more like Clover wanted to feature the model’s genuine apology as a good example. It’s supposed to be kind of a happy ending story. …
a big ol fuck up followed by some decent apologies / basic accountability feels like an honest to God palate cleanser at this point.
Admittedly, I am the whitest of white ladies, but I appreciate that the model made a sincere and thoughtful apology.
Should we still be just “giving Trump a chance”
they also shot at the press with rubber bullets.
It’s fruit that got so high it lost a d.
Fuck Ken bone and his undecided bs.
Not to mention the climate change deniers who frequent a site dedicated to science and technology.
Eh, as someone who has been obsessed with Star Wars from an early age none of this seems particularly surprising. Fisher confirming the affair doesn’t mean there haven’t been whispers and rumors and people talking about it for 40 years already. Also, both of his children from that marriage are approaching 40 right…
Unless it’s slander, upon what grounds could a case be brought up before the court? I can see him lawyering up, but I’m not sure his lawyer would accept the case in good faith knowing there’s not much of a case. Granted, I’ve yet to see a lawyer turn down billable hours, but still...
Check the #NoDAPL tag on twitter. Lots of people there + live stream showed what was happening and many predicted - correctly - that police would blame them and MSM would accept w/o question.
As a resident of NJ, the answer is no. Last year when he was on his FAILED (lol) campaign, we had a frigging blizzard here. When asked by reporters why he didn’t come back to, you know, govern the state he snidely responded, “What am I supposed to do, shovel snow?”
I still love, in an evil bitch sorta way, that all Chris Christie really wants in life is to be friends with Bruce Springsteen and ol’ Bruce basically said “nah.”
Wasn’t it not only to block out the stench, but also because they thought the plague was air born and those fragrances would protect them?
Precisely. Also, those watching the live stream of the protest reported that the cops’ own tear gas canisters were starting fires - the very fires they said they needed to put out. It’s a clusterfuck.
What a contrast to the Bundy occupation. Maybe if they were armed and white and had absolutely no claim to the land and water, they’d be treated like actual American citizens.