
Any advice sisters and brother s?

I understand the motivation, but it’s self-defeating.

A beautiful, beautiful treasure.

Start cataloguing your repeated requests and noting in each successive request their repeated failures to address your concerns.

Good on you! I’d go to another meeting. They need to hear those criticisms.

They can go to hell. The CAST was perfectly respectful and AMOF asked the AUDIENCE (who was mostly white) to stop booing.

I’m feeling very thankful for internet friends this week. I asked people to send a card to my brother who is turning 40 next week, he’s mentally and physically disabled and since we lost our mom a bit over a year ago, he’s been so lost because she was his world.

They came through for me in so many ways. He’s going

Dear Romania,

I also vote for going to the media. Embarrassment goes a long way, especially if University That Shall Not Be Named fancies itself to be a top-notch school.

I passed a beat up Ford Ranger earlier today that had a noose hanging from the rear view mirror and a huge confederate flag across the entire back window. I fucking hate this town, I hate this country, I hate this world. And if I see one more goddamn conservative boohooing about how CRASS and RUDE it was for the

This post comes across as petty, mean-spirited, and ill-informed, IMO.

Plus he has a history of sending vitriolic, racist screeds to the Miami Herald and an interesting criminal record. He claims he’s mentally ill and forgot his meds that day.

Yeah, that’ll teach those employees! Everybody hates having so much business in their store that there’s no way they’ll ever get laid off. Heck, they might even get overtime! How horrible.

Comments on the Miami Herald article say this kind of aggressive and entitled behaviour from him in that Starbucks isn’t even unusual. Regulars have seen it before, it’s just this time he decided to invoke Trump to try and make the news.

Angry white man is angry.

You guys posted a link to the Washington Post article but I want to highlight a bit of the original story. Not only did he claim that was not served but that it was because of “anti-white discrimination” and this is why he lashed out. Then there is this:

The best part is that witnesses say he wasn’t refused service, his drink was just taking a few minutes. Dude probably ordered a frappuccino and then lost his mind when someone who had been behind him in line ordered a plain drip coffee and then drip coffee guy got his drink first.

This post brought to you by The War On Christmas!