
So stars are not coming back ;-)

I have really old one in my basement...I am waiting for a riot to break out so I can volunteer it for the bond fires in the streets.

For me, it’s like sun blindness, from too much strong light or when coming inside on a snowy day. Twice, I thought my vision was just adjusting to those conditions, but the aura didn’t dissipate right away. Then came the headache. But I see the aura as a godsend now, because once I start having an aura, I know it’s

Look up scintillating scotomas and see if that’s what you experienced.  Sometimes it’s good for a sensation to have a name.

My insurance doesn’t want to cover Emgality, so I’m on 1500 mg of divalproex sodium and 120 mg of propranolol daily. That first one has some interesting psychiatric side effects (it’s also used as a mood stabilizer).

I hear that. One of the few bright spots (heh) to an aura though is that when I get one I can prepare for the incipient migraine. Get the meds ready; clear the schedule; find someplace quiet; try to take a nap. Sometimes I get to sleep through the worst of it.

I’d say I got “lucky” with regards to auras as well- I occasionally get the auras without the migraines. It freaked me out a bit the first few times- not enough to go to the hospital but enough to mention it to my PCP at my next checkup. Apparently this is not that uncommon a thing.

If you search for migrane aura on YouTube there is a really good video that simulates what it looks like that I show to people to explain it.

the aura is the worst. I get only aura now no migraines though. after my bi lateral PE in 2021 i got diagnosed with diabetes and neuropathy. I was a long time migraine suffer. so i go aura and headache. now after i have reigned in most of my health issues ( i willpowered almost 200 lbs wight loss) I get what migraine

The aura for me starts off as a growing blindspot in my central vision. I’ll notice it when words begin to disappear off the screen. The brain tries to fill in the holes with the surrounding background. The holes grow larger and eventually become kind of sparkly that takes over most of the central vision, leaving only

Yeah, I’m glad I don’t get aura. I just get pain. Tried all sorts of things for years and finally started getting relief a few years ago with CGRP meds - the monoclonal antibodies mentioned in the linked article about new treatments. I’m one of those unlucky 1-2% who get 15 or more per month. My monthly shot of

For me, the auras start off as ‘fireflies’ in my vision. Things can get a ‘soft focus’ to them, followed by intense pain. After that, looking at any kind of light might as well be staring into flash bulbs and it spikes the pain bad. Dark rooms are my refuge.

Yeah, that would scare the hell out of me, too. I got “lucky” with regard to auras. I had migraine without aura for decades, but I knew that lots of migraneurs get them. I’d seen descriptions of typical aura presentation, and mine matched with what I’d read about, so I knew what it was.

The “aura” they speak of is terrifying, especially the first time it happens, I thought I was having a stroke or something and went to ER. The closest thing I can use to describe what it looked like was a cross between the spots in your eyes after looking at a multiple camera flashes and/or the reflection of very

Someone actually got PAID to do this.

Update on that...

Prior to the pandemic, I had stumbled upon a page that mentioned that the US generates 45% of the global revenue for the pharmaceutical industry despite having about 5% of the global population (33% of the “developed nation” population) and prescription usage in line with the EU and other peers. It also had a

To be fair, that would be a litigious death sentence (proverbially speaking, of course). I’m sure her lawyers probably told her that it would be inadvisable to admit fault of any kind when putting the letter together. Remorse, however, is a different story. I’m not sure if there’s a good reason for her to not show

The same would apply to a bank robber who intended to help their family out with the money and they would get no special treatment. Buying ones own line of BS is not a defense, its a delusion (and you are probably right).