
I get the impression she thinks she didn't do anything wrong because she had good intentions. I suspect she said that to herself the whole time to justify what she was doing. 

No place in the “Contents” does it list that she has accepted responsibility and is truly remorseful for her deliberately harmful actions. I think to expect mercy when one won’t even admit wrongdoing, let alone apologizing, is the ultimate show of conceit and implied privilege.

I’ll bet my own real money, which doesn’t remotely approach the levels of real money involved here, that he’s in the remaining currently-unattributed portion.

I visit a friend’s house and I almost immediately get runny nose and watery eyes upon entering because there are dust bunnies everywhere. Her kitchen table is 3/4 covered with mail and packages (some opened, some not) so it’s almost impossible to eat there. 

You want the Deadspin comments section.

Meh, still better than exercising.

AP: “The FDA approved the exercise pill today. Some claimed it contained a 7G chip that would allow George Soros and the Clintons to make them vote for Socialists. Others complained that their insurance only covered 80% of the $12,000 monthly cost.”

True, but in the real world, past a certain level of income you have to donate or you are eaten by taxes. The government already mismanages you money well enough... so I’m OK with donating and ripping the benefits out of it.

If Musk puts $120M + an overinflated R&D cost to SpaceX... SpaceX will probably come ahead on taxes next year and the year after.

If Musk offers us a good deal, I would be willing to kick in a few bucks to a Go Fund It campaign. If he doesn’t want to pay for it, fine, but at least give us a cost + 0% rate.

That’s why I created a Kinja account. Still waiting...

This is abusive behavior and we’re all his victims.

Musk can screw right off.

There are 20,000 starlink terminals in Ukraine right now. Of those, SpaceX partially paid for some of the first 3,500 and the remaining 1,500 were entirely paid for by the US Government at way above market rates. The next 15,000 are paid for by Ukrainians and advocacy groups and are paid at

Start looking to rent a free-speech meeting space, for your necro-cannibal pedo support group.

Not all opinions are equally valid.

“In a world where conservative opinions are considered to be controversial we have to make sure we have the right to freely express ourselves,”

I am considering getting an account just to see how long it takes them to throw me off. 

I hate to be painfully old school, but, if they want to know if you are a real person, can’t you just tell them to call you to hear your voice? If someone declined doing that, I would simply block that number assuming it was a scam.

Yes, especially since they list masturbation; we are all doomed.  Going to be “a hell” of a party though.