
what my late grandma could do with a bolt of upholstery fabric and a staple gun would amaze you.

I think it’s an equally dumb thing to say to a boy in this context.

Do you work in the legal field, and are not a lawyer? I feel like there are some areas where there are very clear and long running cultures like this. I used to work for a software company that provided tools for law firms. Paralegals, and legal secretaries (along with IT, and literally any other support staff that

This worries me. I've work for the same company for 14 years and I've been ready to leave for ages but haven't. I'm worried that other companies will just end up to be more of the same.

It is hard finding a workplace that isn’t toxic on some level. The most I’ve managed has been finding a supportive group of coworkers, while trying to avoid the higher-ups. 

and the loss of union jobs has made that worse.

“You always feel like you are walking on eggshells or that at any minute, you make one false move and that’s it, you could be fired.”

This message brought to you by your boss, the CEO and the shareholders.

It has taken me 41 years to learn that it’s ok to spend some time doing something that just makes me happy rather than something that will have a significant impact on the rest of my life. It’s been incredibly refreshing to not feel like everything I do MUST be somehow useful going forward.

I agree, at least in theory, but I can’t even “do nothing” on my days off. You also point out “idle time to do whatever you want” which is still doing something. I freely admit I am severely over-productive, but, I grew up in that mindset (we called it work ethic, especially in a rural background), and as you point

Could it be that we live in a culture, reinforced by studies like this one, that hammers in the corporatist ideal that people need to KEEP WORKING and BE PRODUCTIVE or else you’re a siphon on society.

I am glad to see this is a thing and not just me. The stress they refer to I feel as guilt for what I perceive as wasting time” when I have so much I could or should be doing. I have to be severely sick to do “nothing” and even then I have to tell myself that healing is not wasting time (but it still feels like it).

As a former owner of a haunted house, let me also add that if possible, take your child through with a group of family or close friends. Most haunts send people through in a group and if you don’t have your own group, you will be grouped with strangers. Most GOOD actors in a haunt can tell when a child is TOO scared

It’ll be so interesting to see if she comes full-circle to love classical music when she’s older! It’s so soothing, idk why...

If anyone is stupid enough to buy these they don’t deserve to have money. $25 for 320 wipes is not a good deal. It’s a terrible fucking deal. Go to costco and get the costco brand baby wipes. You get 900 wipes for ~$20. They’re thick, they don’t have smells, they’re not likely to irritate your anus.

If anyone is stupid enough to buy these they don’t deserve to have money. $25 for 320 wipes is not a good deal. It’s

I feel this so much. I envision my marriage as the two of us starting out on a boat together ready to sacrifice for each other and go on this wonderful journey. But after some floundering, he eventually says he doesn’t know how to row, and he didn’t pack the oars. So I got out and swam, pushing the boat for both of

I’ll. Never. Get. Married. Again.

Exactly! A) A woman should never marry a man who hasn’t lived on his own before. B) A woman should not marry a man she hasn’t lived with. C) A woman shouldn’t expect a man’s ability to take care of himself to improve after marriage.

How about you don’t ingest artificial shit? Weed can be picked, dried & smoked. No reason for synthetics.