
And far more deadly.

In the interest of fairness, there’s plenty of evidence that crazy dick is at least just as dangerous.

I taught my former husband how to drive a manual (although he would never admit that) since I was the one with the manual transmission car. It didn’t work out, but it wasn’t because of a clutch.

I didn’t know who any of these people were up to a few days ago, but the whole side-show has been amusing. He’s a sociopath who married a religious zealot so he could throw out “God” to control and manipulate her while he does whatever he wants. She uses the fear of God and martyrdom to stay trapped in the insanity.

I don’t think that’d help because the majority of people that shouldn’t have a license are just asshole drivers. They can pass the test just fine but after that it’s a free-for-all.

It’s not so much the issue of getting a license. It’s easy to do everything right to get your license and then you go drive like the giant POS you are. People just don’t care is the main problem. Way too many people with a “me first” attitude blowing stop signs, red lights, yield signs etc. Distracted driving has only

This whole situation in Hollywood feels like a new Chris Rock bit. “’I ain’t never sexually harassed/assaulted anybody!’ What do you want, a cookie?!? You’re not supposed to sexually harass/assault anybody, you low-expectation-having motherfucker!”

please, keep going ^^

She reminded me of “mother” from Pink Floyd’s The Wall. I couldn’t pin it down at first, but there it was.

A medal? Are you kidding me?! 

More like smoke and mirrors. (and flames)

So it’s ACTUAL vapourware?

My cat has never caught a mouse, but once I got him mice stopped coming in the house.

Its Lent, so if they can haul it into the local VFW, they will make the Friday night fish fry out of it. (Which is now available for carry out due to COVID.)

I hope one of the ways it affected her daughters is that they learned deep in their bones not to broadcast every moment of their lives on social media.

Eh, I’d rather not go viral at all - positive or negative, it’s all 100% toxic.

Yep, and I think the onus should be on TV manufacturers—that “audio sync” setting needs to be able to go in both directions to account for soundbars receiving audio over optical or ARC.

Yep, and I think the onus should be on TV manufacturers—that “audio sync” setting needs to be able to go in both

Maybe better at LifeHacker, but just taping a 3x5 index card behind the port increases sound ranges and directs the sound out, instead of down. Not much, but does attenuate the ‘thin-ness’.

Maybe better at LifeHacker, but just taping a 3x5 index card behind the port increases sound ranges and directs the

...spread the ghospel.