Curt Pehrson

No fair, they didn’t test the Mustang in real-world conditions.

You win. That’s incredibly sad.

Elio has a video simulation of what their configurator would look like if they had one.

Clearly he failed to check his tire pressure before leaving the parking lot.

Porsche: “Well, the jerk store called, and they're running out of you."

Screw the haters and screw “manliness”, we can do whatever we want.

i star this message as a male who did gymnastics.. same result during school :)

girls do race cars lol. This teacher needs to get out of the rock he lives in and go to the real world.

This is a rich man’s version of a beer helmet.

It’s okay to admit that you don’t know anything about cars.

The Art of Killing was a very hard movie for me to watch but I was glad for the experience. My uncle was kidnapped by Suharto’s gangsters for being a suspected communist even though my only image of him is in an all white suit, driving a Mercedes Benz and owning a factory. I remember one particular moment when the

Who needs an app when you have this handy guide?

Man, if your comment is to shit on another man’s pride and joy, you need to step up your comment game.