What if they’re over 60, balding, and wear New Balance tennis shoes with jorts?
What if they’re over 60, balding, and wear New Balance tennis shoes with jorts?
Producing our own would be logical and beneficial, but this current administration is full of political activists who are ignorant in their rush to move to green energy. In the meantime we ship oil from other countries who pollute the environment much more than we would. And by the way, those tankers run on the…
Democrat run city. Check. Lawlessness. Check. Anarchy. Check. Big city problem. Check.
work from home, go Nuclear, and everyone drives coupes and fast sedans/wagons.
The US (And most of the world, if we’re being blunt) would be far better served getting its energy production to go fully green first. No point making everyone’s cars electric if they’re still charging through fossil fuels down the line, especially considering energy production accounts for a noticeably bigger amount…
Ooof, there is nothing in the world that could qualify the Charger as an “executive sedan”
Are you kidding, it’s already in his driveway.
Nah, the chain guide probably broke due to the chain being loose/stretched and flapping around. The guide tensioner was likely doing jack squat by the time the guide failed.
Wrong. If you’re in the middle lane and they pass you that fast in the right lane they’re the asshole.
If people are passing you on the right at over 100mph then you’re the one who is a bad driver because you’re camping in left lane and not letting faster traffic pass you on the left. You’re the asshole.
Still better than Spirit Airlines.
In this economy, he was probably working as a back up camera smh
“The Bronco was in development long before Trump started mishandling a global pandemic.”
Is that a joke or do you drive a school bus for a living?
That would be fun to drive in a rural Michigan blizzard. Put a heater core in it and I give it a strong NP.
They broke a gentleman’s agreement with the 90's cars. If youre caught exceeding 64hp in a kei car you'll likely be facing huge fines and penalties.
The Maruti Alto is not based on the current Suzuki Alti, it’s based on the 5th generation Suzuki Alto produced until 2005 in Japan. It was produced until 2014 I think in India. I should have indeed been more clear on that though... It is not based on the 2013 Suzuki Alto I use as an exmple.