
Maybe it’s more common in hockey than I realize, but as a lifetime Blues fan, the team sure seems to get more than its fair share of hometown players. Not just Maroon and Bishop (who broke into the league through the organization), but Paul Stastny as well (thanks to dad Peter retiring in the city). Cam Jansson, Chris

JD IIRC has espoused Republican political views in the past. So yeah...guns.

I don’t know if it’s had a recent reference point in pop culture, but it’s always been one of my favorite jokes about any old “coming of age” story and I like to use it whenever it’s the most inane.
“Maybe the real infinity stones were the friends we made along the way.”
It’s like, “The [thing] was really inside

There’s gamesmanship, and then there’s this. Punching a guy in the back of the head like this is bullshit, and if he gets suspended I would have no problem with it even as he plays for the team I follow. I know he’s frustrated but this isn’t the way to handle it. He seemingly can’t help himself. It’s indefensible.

The real death lineup is the friends we make along the way.

Mookie Betts crossover edition!

Richard is so becoming President at the end of this and I’m here for this.

You got screwed in the playoffs.  Congratulations, you’re officially an NHL franchise.

i didn’t just tear up, YOU just teared up 

Hey you leave my Coyotes out of this, think of us fans!

The Stonecutters, obviously. Next question.

This is why Deadspin is one of only like six websites I visit daily.

In the AAF, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups. The players who were suckered into wasting months of their life, and the owners who will somehow cash out and profit on an obvious disaster. These are their stories.

YES. 1,000x YES.

Rich people never use their own money to make more. They leverage their assets to get favorable loans where the interest rate is less than the rate of return of the thing or whatever they are buying. This is also so if shit hits the fan, the bank is on the hook and not all their money. This is also why their money is

Most likely a couple of things. The Picasso, in this case, is probably shares of TD Ameritrade. In one of the emails is the concern that selling too much of their ownership stake in TD Ameritrade will cause them to lose board seats (I don’t know their particulars, but say 20% ownership gets you 2 seats and anything

If your rate of return on an asset is greater than the rate of interest you’re paying it doesn’t make sense for them to use their own cash. If you’re getting a loan at 5% and buying something that returns 8% you’re getting that 3% for free. This is especially the case if some of the other assets they would have to

That and NoHo’s “gulp” emoji had me rolling.

Taylor’s “LEEROY JENKINS!” had me on the goddamn floor. As far as obnoxious douchebag characters go, I’m fine with the show keeping him around... for now.