You get a star for Krillboi but nothing else.
You get a star for Krillboi but nothing else.
Oh dip! It’s Krillboi!
Martin Scorses is such a great director, it almost makes me not think for a second about what an absolute shitheel and incompetent Jim Spanfeller is.
“Stick is candy!”
I think one of my all time faves was a comment that never made it to the lists. It was about the Jinn that was spotted through binoculars by soldiers that seemed walked in place.
Those of us not currently residing in Jefferson County took both events as a swift kick in the gonads.
That pic at the top of the took me a minute to realize that’s Kovalchuk next to Doughty; I thought for a second Tkachuk got traded to LA.
Hard to believe he became a saint after turning all those world leaders into dust that one time.
Not Paul Lukas!
He’ll always be the fifth or sixth Young Shawn Spencer to me.
Matthews and a few of his buddies left his condo complex around 11 p.m. on the evening of May 25, 2019.
*Closes laptop thoughtfully, wipes away a tear, considers life for a moment, reopens laptop, types away furiously*
Used exclusively cloth diapers for two kids with no problems. While they were still on breast milk only it wasn’t even really gross. Once they graduated to solid foods we used the flushable liners which kept the diapers themselves (and so the washing machine) almost shit-free anyway. If there was a particularly bad one…
We did cloth for our first and it was easy. Kid 2 came along and we went disposable, no idea why, but the lingering smell from the diaper pail is bad.
Gareon, my Raidered son
You’ll be kneed when you are down
Lay your weary head to rest
You’re going on I.R.
I was under the impression that Comedy Central was exclusively a The Office marathon network.
...Sir, this a Wendy’s.
Am I the only one who watches that video and thinks that the guy racing the fridge is in on the gag?
i bet you george clinton would be able to help