Curt Anderson

I'd prefer a Game Of The Year simulator.

I just had a great idea. I should have it done in the morning :p

Here is my first attempt

...wait, no more Shia?

My entry.

He hasn't seen Cowboy Bebop or Fight Club. You can't trust that kind of person ;p

Supreme gif usage!

Nice pentapost. Well played.

hahahah, I'll behave he writes in all caps and then quadra=posts.

Your logic is flawless, please share more.

This made me laugh hard!

I don't mind knowing that animals are slaughtered so they can be made in to food, but I'm disgusted with how you mutilate the English language.

WOW!!!! You are utterly insane!

this remind me that one time some peta ass hole try get me convert to vegan saying how eating meat is bad and how it wrong to kill and eat thing that cant fight back logic fail plant cant fight back so we do not eat plants then i go on pull out a knif and go you rathe r me fight you

The staff at Kotaku.

I think he meant replacement in the job, not as a human being (well, character).