Curt Anderson

Last week I made a bad joke that got me "Greyed Out" again on Kotaku, I worked extra hard on this one so maybe I can get in Kotaku's good graces again and have my comments visible. Please? :D

some men just want to watch the world burn

An NFL game played without helmets or pads would result in death. That's something that non Americans don't seem to get. It's not about being "tough", it's the difference between life and death.

The armor is what make such high impact blows survivable at times.

hey look, an internet bad ass.

Thank you for contributing to the problem.

Doubtful. There's probably a Ben Stiller and Bill Murray movie in here somewhere, though.

Agreed, they could use the bright blue as an accent or highlight.

Just the tip!

Happy you found it. Literally it is composed of tons of game journalists who left sites like Kotaku because their company's management of the site either restricted them or was just destroying the integrity of what they were creating.

ho ho ho, yes. oh, yes. you went there. you so went there. i'm proud of you. :)

Kotaku...talking about good web design and user interface?

Mhm. Hilarious.

Kind of like having a graph of the stock market that ends in September of 1929. Things are bullish!

Guess whoever denied his Visa doesn't think gaming is a sport either.

May I point out that this chart ends in 2011. Two YEARS before the WiiU came out.

Its a financial chart, and it clearly shows that Nintendo does not lose money... they kick ass and take names.

Are you mildly retarded?

I think most people would call it a disaster. I don't know what the figures are for increased sales but I'm sure from where it started, anything would be an increase in sales.