Curt Anderson

.. and now you're the bully. the cycle of bullying never ends!

Bully is a Bully.

Dude, you should see a therapist.

So it didn't... click... with you?

If you were to buy a new phone to give to someone, would you go and check through for porn? No, you wouldnt think to check for something like that. What a stupid comment. And what you consider "basic" knowledge might not be what others consider "basic". Knowing how to operate a TV and checking for porn on a 3DS are

Definitive is the word you're looking for.

Don't worry, you aren't alone. There were probably tons of gamers that didn't get to play around in the snow. I was one of them. Tried several times to get in, but the servers kept timing out. So, clearly the world was overcrowded.

If you just walked away it would've made more sense though...

Stop posting already. Leave it on a dignified note and move on good individual.

Because you don't capitalize "I" when you talk about yourself.

Regardless of context he just got you. You did nothing wrong but try to defend yourself from a well orchestrated burn. Just bow and move on my friend.

I've posted here as long as there was a Kotaku, and I even read that Comment you are referring to yesterday, it wasn't funny or interesting then, and it isn't now. However 7 recommendations at the moment seem to agree with what I have surmised about you.

Because you have a narcisssistic personality and you think the world revolves around you.

Is this a joke? Worse logo ever.

Say what you want but that looks awful

I'll just leave this here