Curt Anderson

This was real?

A challenger approaches...

Do you own the intellectual property of Jackie's face? Yes/No

I promoted other comments, commenting about how bad yours is. Does that make me an asshole downer?

No, you definitely sound like an asshole downer, metal frame or not.

Ill torrent it.

Your icon is triggering me.

Aren't we all?


I like how you quoted the whole article. That takes true dedication.

As sad as this news is, the timing of it as we approach the end of the Year of Luigi is almost poetic.

Just hoping he isn't credited with half a sack.

Fake? maybe, but are we really going to put anything past RUSSIA at this point?!

Dammit... now I need to get some Thanksgiving Wolf3D in...


I played the game and I know it's AU but I think it's extremely lazy to paint over authentic art instead of referencing and adding an AU take. The forward-facing pic would have been the latter, the side, the former.

Thanks! I remember reading somewhere that they had used it as a guideline but the shadow and face are the exact same! And the background! I'm rather disappointed by them now. :(

I believe it was directly modeled on a portrait painting of Teddy Roosevelt's daughter.

A racist prison colony!

1. Hilarious