Curt Anderson

Well you just answered your own assertion didn’t you?
This guy isn’t a “real” hacker. He’s merely another one in the growing trend of SWATTING assholes. Scum of the earth.

Lohanthony? Really?
That’s what they thought was important enough to put on all their planes?

Wow, this is so MUCH video game. Maybe the most video game I have ever seen.

Nine of them.
Nine Tendo’s.

I also bought about 22 PSPs when they came out to resell them. I did alright but not as good as I was expecting.

I spent about $16,000 buying Neo Geo AES cartridges, then sold them for about $20,000 sold my Subaru and bought a BMW.

You’re just an outright thief, not even piracy.
Now copying CD-rs of PSX and Dreamcast games I think is OK, but this is theft.

Incredible mod. But I had to mute the commentator, really annoying voice to me.
“Oh my god, this is frickin’ genius.”

Finally it’s about time. I was wondering when this would come out. I really wasn’t impressed with the IOS port.

Here’s my submission.

I had one of these before, I liked the packaging, but it tasted like cow butts wrapped in cardboard and imitation cheese.

I was about to ask what it was but I just figured it out.... Brilliant.

Onlive was only announced at GDC 2009. Your timeline is a bit off.

I actually loved OnLive, when it came out in 2010 or so I can’t remember exactly. I was an early adopter. I really believed in it, I actually even went down to their offices in Palo Alto applying for a job. (Thankfully I didn’t get it). The giant granite lobby had a 20 foot Onlive Logo looming over the reception desk.

Don't care if he directed. Song was wrong.

I'm so glad I watched the Remixed version first.
Also Chop Suey is an OLD song now. Almost as old as this MK Theme.
Also as soon as I saw this headline I knew what song it had to be.

I was sitting at my desk and I crossed my legs. I bumped the desk and an open waterbottle I was drinking toppled over, and directly into my computer case. Immediately I heard a ZZzzzzt, my screen went black, and I saw smoke. I had fried my Motherboard and PSU. Took me a month to save up to replace everything, it was a

Looks like a whopper to me.

Speak for yourself, I ran a Dreamcast Fansite, and nearly wept when Sega said it was abandoning making consoles and was going multi-platform.
Edit: The site was for anyone with a really good memory of those times, or who was curious.

oh my god, this made me sad too....